Unicellular organisms that can be only seen by light microscope
Eukaryotic cells
Cells with a "true" nucleus enclosed in a nuclear membrane
Unicellular prokaryotic organisms that can be visualized by light microscope
Made up of nucleic acid (either DNA or RNA) and protein, lack ribosomes so cannot generate energy, obligate intracellular parasites that can only replicate in association with a host cell
Prokaryotes (microorganisms)
No membrane bound nucleus
No mitochondria
No other membrane bound organelles (endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi body, phagosomes, lysosomes)
Bacterial morphology
Spiral (spirilla and spirochetes)
Bacterial arrangement
Diplo or chain when cleavage occurs in one plane
Grape-like clusters when cleavage occurs in all planes
Bacterial size
0.2-1.2um in diameter
0.4-14um in length
Differential stain
Distinguishes between different types of bacteria
Gram's stain
Divides bacteria into gram positive (violet) and gram negative (red) based on cell wall structure
Gram positive bacilli
Corynebacterium diphtheria (causes diphtheria)
Gram negative cocci
Neisseria meningitidis (causes meningitis)
Ziehl-Neelsen stain
Identifies Mycobacteria (acid and alcohol fast) like M. tuberculosis, which have a waxy cell wall
Bacterial motility
Determined by observing living organisms
Bacterial ultrastructures
Cytoplasmic region (nucleoid, ribosomes, inclusions, mesosomes)
Double-stranded DNA, 1 mm long, replicated in coordination with mesosomes during cell growth and division
Bacterial ribosomes
Site of protein synthesis
Bacterial inclusions
Energy reserves like glycogen, fat granules, and phosphate stored as volutin granules for ATP synthesis
Bacterial mesosomes
Folded invaginations in the cell membrane, support respiratory enzymes, involved in cell division and spore-formation
Bacterial cell envelope
Cell membrane where respiration occurs, surrounded by rigid cell wall to protect against osmotic lysis
Gram negative cell envelope
Additional outer membrane, periplasmic space between inner and outer membranes where degradative enzymes are stored
Bacterial cytoplasmic membrane
Thin elastic membrane surrounding the cytoplasm, made of two phospholipid layers
Functions of bacterial cytoplasmic membrane
Selective transportation of nutrients
Excretion of extracellular enzymes
Bacterial multiplication
Chemotactic system
Bacterial cell wall
Surrounds cytoplasmic membrane, provides shape, supports membrane, involved in multiplication, responsible for staining differences
Peptidoglycan (PG)
Basic structure of cell wall, resists lysozyme action
Cell wall-deficient (CWD) bacteria
forms produced when treated with antibiotics that interfere with peptidoglycan synthesis, Mycoplasma naturally lack cell wall
Bacterial capsule and surface layers
Composed of polysaccharide, not essential for viability, formed only in vivo, have functions like inhibiting phagocytosis, protecting cell wall, aiding attachment, resisting drying, storing nutrients and waste
Bacterial flagella
Responsible for motility, respond to chemical attractants and repellents (chemotaxis)
Bacterial pili (fimbria)
Hair-like projections that allow adhesion to host epithelial surfaces, some involved in sexual conjugation
Bacterial endospores
Resistant to adverse conditions, formed by some bacteria like Bacillus and Clostridium, have dehydrated cytoplasm, calcium dipicolinate, thick cortex and coat
Bacterial spore formation
Cytoplasmic membrane encloses part of cytoplasm containing chromosome and other materials, surrounded by thick cortex and coat
Bacterial spore viability and resistance
Resistant to disinfectants, heat up to 100°C, only killed by moist heat at 120°C for 20 min or 134°C for 10 min, stain red with modified Ziehl-Neelsen stain
Bacterial spore germination
Spores return to good nutritional conditions and produce a single vegetative cell
Bacterial structure that cannot be stained due to the presence of cortex and coat, stained by modified Ziehl-Neelsen stain and appear red
Spore position
Used for identification of bacteria, e.g. terminal in Cl. Tetani
Spore germination
When returned to good nutritional conditions, the spores germinate to produce a single vegetative cell
Pili or Fimbria
Bacterial structure shown in Fig 6
Bacterial structure shown in Fig 7
Bacterial requirements for growth include sources of energy and metal ions, optimal temperature, pH and the need or lack of oxygen