Has potential to view objects at 1000 times their original size
Light Source - produces light; can be focused by a condenser lens
Objective Lens - creates a magnified image that is inverted
Eyepiece / Ocular Lens - further magnifies the image which the eye receives
Additional optical components can be added to the light path to correct the orientation of the image
Utilizes multiple lenses
Total magnification is calculated by multiplying the magnification of the objective lens by the magnification of the ocular lens.
Help estimate the size of objects under the microscope
Scale that is projected over the image
At higher magnification, the tick marks in the eyepiece reticle will represent smaller distances than when viewed at lower magnification.
As the objects become clearer, the resolution increases and the shortest observable distance between them decreases.
Living microorganisms
Bacteria with thick peptidoglycan layer will stain purple (layer cannot be penetrated easily by decolorizer)
Gram Negative - reddish pink / red
Has thin peptidoglycan, loses purple color to the decolorizer
Safranin counterstain causes the reddish pink stain as it binds to lipopolysaccharide layer on the outside of the cell.
Capsule Staining
Used to visualize external capsules that surround some types of bacterial cells
Capsule present → non-ionic composition and tendency to repel stains → simple staining methods won’t work → uses Negative Staining Method
Negative Staining Method
Stain background with an acidic colorant (ex. Congo Red); background should appear darkly stained under the microscope
Stain bacterial cells with crystal violet
Negative Staining Method
Bacterial cells with capsule: Capsule will appear as a clear halo around the cells
Endospore Staining
Also known as Schaeffer-Fulton Method
Determines if bacteria being studied forms spores
Dormant, tough, non-reproductive
Ensures survival of bacteria through periods of environmental stress (extreme temp and dehydration)
Difficult to stain with standard techniques and impermeable to many dye
Endospore StainingProcess:
Apply malachite green stain to bacteria fixed to a slide.
Wash the slide with water.
Apply counterstain (Safranin).
Vegetative Cells - will appear pinkish-red
Bacterial cells w/ Endospores - retain the green color of the stain; appear bluish-green in a colony under the microscope
Serial dilution and plating techniques are used to reliably quantify bacterial load and isolate individual colonies.
A process through which the concentration of an organism is systematically reduced by successive resuspension in fixed volumes of liquid diluent
Usually, the volume of the diluent is a multiple of 10 (ex. 1:10) to facilitate logarithmic reduction of the sample organism
Streak plating and spread plating enable the isolation and enumeration of bacteria within a sample, respectively
As different sections of the plate are streaked, crossing from the previous sample only once, the sample is spread more thinly.
This means that you may only need to streak from one dilution to achieve individual colonies in the later sections.
Main goal is the enumeration of the bacteria in a sample.
Typically, since the bacterial numbers in the mix sample are unknown, a spread plate is made for each of the dilutions.
Spread Plating
Any plates with colony counts fewer than 30 should be discarded since small counts are subjected to greater error.
Similarly, any counts over 300 should be discarded because colony crowding and overlapping can lead to underestimation of colony count.
Clonal Colony
When a bacterium in an agar plate undergoes multiple rounds of asexual reproduction.
Getting a single bacterium from mixed samples such as soil or stool can be very difficult.
One loopful can contain one trillion individual bacteria.
Even if a zig-zag pattern is used to streak the sample onto a agar plate to obtain single colony, the number of agar plates needed can circle the perimeter of Liberty Island.
Streak Plating Procedure
The agar plate is visually divided into 5 parts with the first 4 fragments coming from the circumference of the plate and the 5th being the plate center.
When incubated, these discrete bacteria multiply to produce isolated clonal colonies of daughter cells which are also known as Colony Forming Units or CFUs.
The CFUs are then harvested and restreaked to ensure that subsequent work involves only a single bacterial type referred to as pure culture.
The initial streak plate may contain colonies originating from cells of different bacterial species or different genetic make-up, depending upon the sample purity.
Through subsequent isolation of a single colony where all units are derived from a common mother cell, the 2nd streaking procedure generates a relatively clonal bacterial population that is suitable for further characterization or inoculation into broth.
This ability to colonize vastly different niches is due to their adaptability and vast metabolic diversity, which allows them to utilize a wide variety of molecules for energy generation.
The massive array of diversity leads to the phenomenon that <1% of the bacterial species on the planet are considered culturable.
This is only possible due to an understanding of their specific metabolic and environmental needs
Performing manipulations of media and environment in the laboratory allows:
Researchers to experiment to find optimal conditions for culturing a species of interest
Enables enrichment - the process of changing conditions to select for specific species from a mixed culture
Able to tolerate a wide variety of states or environment
Such organisms may grow readily under laboratory conditions.
They may also be prevented from growing if given an extreme habitat.
Fastidious Organisms:
Can be culturable but only when specific conditions are met
e.g. Neisseria sp. or Haemophilus sp. require media containing partially broken down red blood cells and high CO2 concentration which may also discourage the growth of other species
Named for their preference for extreme conditions
Can be very low temperatures due to absent oxygen conditions
Can be very high temperatures due to presence of high salt
To further enrich an organism of interest, some media types contain indicators which give insight into the metabolism of the organism.
Mannitol Salt Agar (MSA)
Inhibits the growth of organisms sensitive to high salt
Gram-negative bacteria typically can’t survive on MSA because it is toxic to most gram-negative species.
Mannitol Salt Agar (MSA
Gram-positive Staphylococcus genus are able to thrive.