types of LTM

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    • the 3 types of LTM are:
      • episodic memory
      • procedural memory
      • semantic memory
    • semantic memory stores our knowledge of the world. They are less personal than episodic memories and are more about facts/ knowledge we all share
    • procedural memory stores memories for actions and skills. These are memories of how we do things such as driving a car. These skills/actions become automatic with practice
    • episodic memory stores events from our lives. It is like a diary of personal experiences (episodes) like breakfast this morning or last visit to dentist.
    • episodic memories are complex because:
      • they are time stamped- you remember when they happened and how they relate in time
      • they involve several elements- people, places, object and behaviours are all involved
      • you have to make a conscious effort to recall them
    • One limitation of types of LTM is that there are conflicting findings about types of LTM and brain areas. Buckner and Petersen reviewed research findings and concluded that semantic memory is located on the left prefrontal cortex and episodic with the right prefrontal cortex. But other studies Tulving et al. found that semantic memory was associated with the right prefrontal cortex and the reverse for episodic memory. This challenges any neurophysiological evidence to support types of memory as there is poor agreement on where each type might be located
    • One strength for the different types of LTM is case study evidence. Clinical studies of amnesia showed both HM and Clive Wearing had difficulty recalling events that had happened to them in their pasts (episodic memory). But their semantic memories were relatively unaffected. Procedural memories were also intact. This supports view that there are different memory stores in LTM because one store can be damaged but other stores are unaffected
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