electrost attraction between positive and negative ions
structure of ionic compound
giant ionic lattice
properties of ionic compounds
high melting and boiling points
tend to dissolve in polar solvents such as water
conduct electricity only in liquid state or aqueous solution
ionic compounds melting and boiling points
most ionic compounds are solid at rtp
high temperatures are needed to overcome the strong electrostatic forces of attraction between ions so therefore high melting/boiling points
ionic compounds solubility
many ionic compounds dissolve in polarsolvents such as water
in compounds made of ions with large charges, the ionic attraction may be toostrong for water to be able to break down the lattice structure so the compound wont be very soluble
ionic compounds electrical conductivity
does not conduct in solid state as no mobile charge carriers
but when liquid or dissolved in water solid ionic lattice breaks down so now ions are free to move as mobile charge carriers
covalent bonding
strong electrostatic force of attraction between a sharedpair of electrons and the nuclei of bonded atoms
the covalent bond
overlap of atomic orbitals each containing one electron to give a shared pair of electrons which is attracted to the nuclei of both bonding atoms
dative covalent bonds
covalent bond in which the shared pair of electrons has been supplied by one of the bonding atoms only(in the dative covalent bond the shared pair was originally a lonepair on one of the bonded atoms)