working model memory

    Cards (12)

    • The Working Memory Model Diagram
    • What components does the working memory model consists of?

      - Central Executive
      - Phonological Loop
      - Visuospatial Sketchpad
      - Episodic Buffer
    • Functions of the central executive?
      - monitors incoming information in all sensory forms

      - decides what working memory pays attention to

      - directs information to the slave systems and collects responses
    • What is the phonological loop?
      - A slave system that deals with auditory information and preserves the order in which the information arrives.

      - Temporary storage system for holding auditory information in a speech based form.
    • Function of the articulatory process?
      - Keeps information in the phonological store through repetition.

      - Allows maintenance rehearsal (repeating sounds or words to keep them in working memory while they are needed).
    • What is the Visuo-spatial sketchpad (VSS) ?
      - A temporary memory system for holding visual and spatial info

      - Deals with visual and spatial information - The inner eye

      - Helps the individual navigate and interact with their physical environment.
    • Function of the inner scribe?
      - Records the arrangement of objects in the visual field.

      - Rehearses and transfers information in the visual cache to the central executive.
    • What is the episodic buffer?
      - Added by Baddeley later on (2000)

      - Acts as a 'backup' (temporary) store for information which communicates with both long term memory and the slave system components of working memory.
    • Functions of the episodic buffer?
      - Retrieves information from long term memory

      - Integrates information from Central Executive, Phonological Loop and Visuo-Spatial Sketchpad into short term memory when working memory requires it.
    • AO3 support from case studies
      • after KF brain injury, he had poor STM ability for auditory information but still processed visual information
      • his immediate recall of letters and digits was better when reading them(visually), compared when they were read to him (acoustic)
      • KF phonological loop was damaged but VSS was intact
      • findings support the existence of separate visual and acoustic memory stores
    • AO3 dual task performance
      • studies support the separate existence of the VSS
      • baddeley 1975
      • participants carried out visual and verbal tasks out the same time
      • their performance on each was similar to when they carried out tasks separately
      • when both tasks were visual or verbal , performance declined
      • both tasks competed for the same subsystem
      • theres no competition when performing a verbal and visual task together
      • which shows theres a separate subsystem that process visual input VSS and verbal PL
    • AO3 lack of clarity over the nature of the CE
      • baddeley 2003, recognised the CE is the most important but least understood component of WM
      • CE needs to be more clearly specified, not just attention
      • other psychologists believe that CE consists of separate subcomponents
      • the lack of research of the CE and the contradictory theories challenges the intergrity of the WMM
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