Working Memory Model

    Cards (15)

    • What is the capacity of the visuo-spatial sketchpad?
      The VSS has a limited capacity
    • What is the duration of the visuo-spatial sketchpad?

      The duration of VSS is limited
    • How is the visuo-spatial sketchpad coded?

      The VSS is visually coded
    • What is the capacity of the central executive?
      The CE has a limited capacity
    • What is the duration of the central executive?

      The duration of the CE is limited
    • How is the central executive coded?

      It is modality free coding and can process info from any sensory modality
    • What is the capacity of the phonological loop?
      The PL has a limited capacity
    • What is the duration of the phonological loop?
      The PL has a limited duration
    • How is the phonological loop coded?
      The PL is acoustically coded
    • What is the capacity of the episodic buffer?

      The EB has a limited capacity
    • What is the duration of the episodic buffer?

      The EB has a limited duration
    • How is the episodic buffer coded?

      The EB has modality free coding
    • One strength of the working memory models comes from dual task studies.
      Baddeley and Hitch (1976) found that when two tasks require the participants to use their phonological loop, their ability to perform the tasks is impaired.
      However, when one task requires the participant to simultaneously use their phonological loop (remembering a series of numbers) and the other requires their visuo‐spatial sketchpad (copying a drawing) then their performance is not impaired.
      This provides strong support for the WMM and develops our understanding of STM further than the MSM does.
    • Many critics are quick to point out potential flaws with the idea of the central executive being a single component.
      Challenge comes from case study evidence of EVR who had a cerebral tumour removed.
      He performed well on tests requiring reasoning which suggested that his central executive was intact, but he had poor decision-making skills e.g. deciding where to eat.
      This suggests that his central executive is not a unitary store which contradicts the initial model.
    • An alternative explanation of memory is provided by the multi-store model (MSM) of memory.
      The working memory model provides a detailed description of our short‐term memory, but no information on the sensory register and long‐ term memory addressed by the MSM,
      Furthermore, the model is unable to explain how information arrives into our working memory and how information is stored in the long term.
      This means that the WMM is not a complete model of memory and is therefore limited in its application to everyday human memory.
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