Volatile storage, loses content when the computer loses power, temporary storage
Secondary storage
Nonvolatile storage, stores programs and data regardless of power, permanent storage
Secondary storage characteristics
Storage devices
Access speed
Process of saving information to storage
Process of accessing information from storage
Hard disks
Save files by altering the magnetic charges of the disk's surface to represent 1s and 0s
Hard disks
Use rigid, metallic platters that are stacked one on top of one another
Store and organize files using tracks, sectors, and cylinders
Head crash
Occurs when read-write head makes contact with the hard disk's surface or with particles on its surface
Internal hard disk
Located inside the system unit, used to store programs and data files
External hard drive
Removable, used to complement internal hard disk, used to back up the contents of the internal hard disk
Disk caching
Uses hardware and software to anticipate data needs, performs function similar to RAM caching, improves processing by acting as a temporary high-speed holding area between a secondary storage device and the CPU
Linked, inexpensive hard-disk drives
File compression
Reduces file size
File decompression
Expands compressed files
Solid-state storage
Devices have no moving parts
Solid-state drives
Faster and more durable than hard disks
Flash memory cards
Widely used in laptops, smartphones, GPS navigation systems
USB Drives (or Flash Drives)
Connect to USB port, capacity of 1 GB to 256 GB, portable
Optical discs
Use reflected light to represent data, lands represent 1s and 0s, pits are bumpy areas that determine the 1s and 0s
Optical disc formats
CD (700 MB)
DVD (4.7 GB)
BD (50 GB)
Opticaldisc types
ROM (read only-memory)
R (recordable)
RW or RAM (rewritable or random-access memory)
Cloud computing
The Internet acts as a "cloud" of servers, applications provided as a service rather than a product
Cloud storage
Provided by servers that provide cloud storage or online storage
Mass storage
Tremendous amount of secondary storage required by large organizations
Mass storage devices
Specialized high-capacity secondary storage devices designed to meet organizational demands for data storage
Enterprise storage system
Strategy established by most large organizations to promote efficient and safe use of data across the networks within their organizations
Storage area network (SAN)
Architecture to link remote computer storage devices, user's computer provides file system, SAN provides disk space
Disaster recovery specialists are responsible for recovering systems and data after a disaster strokes
General employer requirements for disaster recovery specialists include bachelor's or associate's degree in computer science or information systems, experience in the field and skills in networking, security and DBA, communication and skills and be able to handle high-stress situations
Annual salary of disaster recovery specialists is $73 K to $92 K
In the future, photos and videos may be stored using heat, lasers, or even DNA, and both magnetic disk manufacturers and flash memory researchers are working on increasing storage without increasing physical size