Genetic Mapping & Linkage Analysis

Cards (62)

  • All people in the population
  • Genetic counsellor wants to determine the risk of a couple to have a child with Tay-Sachs disease
    1. The woman is a known carrier of a heterozygous mutation in HEXA
    2. The partner, who is of Ashkenazi Jewish descent, has not been analysed so far
    3. Estimate the frequency of heterozygous mutations in HEXA
  • The incidence of Tay-Sachs disease in Ashkenazi Jews is approximately 1 / 2,000
  • Probability for AA (homozygous/unaffected)
  • Probability for aa (affected)
  • 2pq
    Probability for Aa (heterozygous, carrier)
  • p + q = 1
  • Carrier: 2pq
  • Frequency of heterozygotes is approximately 1/23
  • Assumptions behind Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
    • Large Population Size
    • Random Mating
    • No Mutation
    • No Migration
  • How disease genes have been found
    1. Genetic mapping for monogenic diseases
    2. Genetic markers as signposts for mapping genes
    3. LOD score: using pedigree to locate disease gene
    4. Homozygosity mapping: zooming into the disease gene
    5. Exome sequencing: using NGS to locate the disease gene
  • Genetic testing in research
    Helps to understand the pathological basis of a genetic disease
  • Genetic testing in service
    Establishes a (molecular) diagnosis for an undiagnosed patient
  • Approaches to finding disease genes

    • Finding disease genes using genetic linkage and high-throughput sequencing
    • Finding disease genes by positional approaches
    • Finding disease genes by exome/genome sequencing
  • Mendel's principles
    • The principle of uniformity
    • The principle of segregation
    • The principle of independent assortment
  • The principle of independent assortment
    Separate loci segregate to offspring independently of one another. The distribution of two phenotypes will be 9 (dominant allele each) to 3 (one dominant, one recessive allele) to 3 (one recessive, one dominant allele) to 1 (recessive alleles each).
  • Genetic recombination

    Can occur after crossover between two chromatids of homologous chromosomes. Non-recombinant chromosomes (N) carry a combination of marker alleles A1B1 or A2B2; recombinant chromosomes (R) carry a combination of marker alleles A1B2 or A2B1.
  • Recombination frequency

    The frequency of recombination between two loci correlates with their distance on a genetic map (genetic distance). A recombination frequency of 1% equates to a recombination fraction of 0.01, which equates to a genetic distance of 1 cM.
  • Drosophila
    • X chromosome
  • Genetic marker
    A gene or DNA sequence with a known location on a chromosome. It can be described as a variation that can be observed. A genetic marker may be a short DNA sequence, such as a sequence surrounding a single base-pair change (single nucleotide polymorphism, SNP), or a long one, like minisatellites.
  • The evolution of human genetic markers

    • Blood groups
    • Serum proteins
    • HLA tissue types
    • RFLP
    • Minisatellites (VNTRs)
    • Microsatellites (STRs)
    • Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs, SNVs)
  • Informativity of a genetic marker
    Depends on the number of different alleles and the distribution of alleles in a population.
  • SNP
  • Microsatellite
  • Genetic maps

    The frequency of genetic recombination between two loci on the same chromosome reveals their genetic distance.
  • Loci A and B segregate independently

    Loci A and B tend to segregate together
  • Linkage analysis
    Studies the distribution of alleles in pedigrees. The sequence of alleles on a chromosome (haplotypes) tells us recombination events between two loci.
  • Segregation analysis

    The segregation of two loci can be either recombinant (R) or non-recombinant (N), i.e. offspring has received either recombinant or non-recombinant germ cells.
  • Recombination rate
    Measure of how often genetic material is exchanged between chromosomes during meiosis
  • Genetic maps
    Representation of the relative positions of genetic markers along a chromosome
  • Linkage analysis

    Studies the distribution of alleles in pedigrees to identify recombination events between two loci
  • Haplotype
    The sequence of alleles on a chromosome
  • Locus
    The specific location of a gene or DNA sequence on a chromosome
  • Segregation analysis

    Examines the distribution of alleles in offspring to determine if loci are independent or linked
  • Segregation patterns

    • Independent segregation (N:R = 5:5)
    • Linked loci, co-segregation (N:R = 9:1)
  • Recombinant (R)

    Offspring has received recombinant germ cells
  • Non-recombinant (N)

    Offspring has received non-recombinant germ cells
  • Knowing whether meioses are "phase-known" or "phase-unknown" is important for linkage analysis
  • Phasing pedigrees

    Determining if a sperm is recombinant or non-recombinant between a condition locus and a marker locus
  • Assigning N and R to pedigrees

    Deducing recombination events and determining if an association between a mutation and marker allele can be defined