
Cards (6)

  • there are 2 classes in society that are in conflict; the upper class (bourgeoisie) and the working class (proletariat).
  • capitalism causes crime because it is a criminogenic (crime causing) system. the exploitation of the working class drives many people into poverty, so they may be causing crime to survive. It continuously pushes consumer goods at people through advertising, resulting in utilitarian crimes. Inequality causes feelings of alienation and frustration, resulting in non-utilitarian crimes.
  • capitalism causes crime among the capitalists themselves. It is a dog-eat-dog system and promotes greed. This encourages them to commit corporate crimes.
  • The laws are made by the bourgeoisie and therefore protect the bourgeoisie.
  • laws are enforced differently with white collar and corporate crimes being less likely to be punished compared to working class street crime.
  • selective law enforcement gives the impression that crime is a working class problem and shifts the attention away from much more serious ruling class crimes.