ch 13

Cards (39)

  • Evolution
    A population's allele composition (frequencies) change over time
  • Agents/factors that evolution relies on

    • Mutations (new alleles)
    • Migration (gene flow)
    • Genetic drift
    • Bottleneck and founder effect
    • Natural and sexual selection
  • Microevolution
    Agents of evolution change allele frequencies/phenotypes in populations over shorter time scales (i.e. a few generations)
  • Microevolution
    • Beneficial alleles maintained; unfavorable/harmful alleles eliminated
    • Causes small-scale changes to species (ex. Peppered moths, antibiotic resistance in bacteria, mouse fur phenotype, etc.)
  • Macroevolution
    Genetic and phenotypic changes over long evolutionary time scales (i.e. millions of years) that result in new species and higher taxa
  • Macroevolution
    • If isolated populations evolve (change) enough to where they are no longer able to reproduce, they are considered two separate species
    • Over billions of years, organisms have changed so much from ancestral forms to warrant classification in higher taxa (i.e. Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, etc.)
  • Evidence of evolution

    1. Population separation
    2. Different evolutionary pressures
    3. Phenotypic variation
  • Evidence of evolution

    • Fossil evidence
    • Biogeography
    • Anatomical/morphological comparisons
    • Embryonic development
    • Molecular (DNA/RNA/Protein) comparisons
  • Paleontology
    Study of ancient life from fossil remains
  • Paleontology
    • Provides most of our understanding of the different types of ancient lifeforms on Earth
    • Fossils: physical remains of ancient organisms preserved in layers of rock
    • Transitional fossils: very rare fossils that clearly show anatomical transitions from ancient life forms into more modern forms
  • Transitional fossil

    • Tiktaalik- fossil evidence of transition from fully-aquatic animals to terrestrial tetrapods
  • Sedimentary rocks

    Layered rocks formed from sand/mud sediments
  • Sedimentary rocks

    • Associated with wind and water erosion of rock
    • Sometimes, organisms would be rapidly buried and preserved in the sediments→ fossils
  • Stratification

    Rock layering with surface layers more recently deposited and older and older layers deeper from surface
  • Geologic timescale

    • Life begins (~3.8 bya)
    • Cambrian explosion (~540 mya)
    • Invasion of land (~470 mya)
    • Dinosaurs, ancient mammals, large trees in forests (~250-65mya)
    • Meteor kills dinosaurs leading to rise of mammals (~65mya)
    • Age of humans (~1.8mya-present)
  • Body fossil

    Rapid preservation in ice, dry air, or tree sap
  • Cast fossil

    Minerals in ground water replace the body parts and crystalize into rock in the shape of the organism
  • Mold fossil

    Hard body parts make impression in sediments then degrade leaving behind their shape in the rock
  • The fossil record is incredibly incomplete
  • Reasons the fossil record is incomplete
    • Some never leave a fossil- soft bodied organisms
    • Erosion/movement of continental plates destroys rock layers
    • Fossils may be in hard-to-reach or poorly-studied places
    • Not all organisms lived in appropriate environments
  • Relative dating

    Based on depth fossil found at. (Deeper= older)
  • Absolute dating

    Age of rock layer determined with radiometric analysis (radioisotope half-life analysis)
  • Radioisotopes
    Some unstable isotopes are deemed "radioactive" when the nucleus spontaneously decays into more stable daughter isotopes and ejects high-energy radiation
  • Half-life

    The average time for half of the radioactive atoms to spontaneously decay into the stable product
  • 14C
    Constantly produced in the atmosphere in reaction between cosmic rays and nitrogen, used to date "recently" deceased organisms
  • 14C dating

    • 14C half-life= 5730 years; ~30,000 year dating ability
  • Plate tectonics

    Tectonic plates- solid top layers moving on hot mantle
  • Biogeography
    The study of species distribution
  • We must consider ancient land formations/environmental conditions to better understand modern or ancient species distributions
  • Biogeography
    • Closely-related flightless birds with wide global distribution
    • Wallace's line- clear difference between animals on the Malay archipelago along a particular line
  • Homologous structures
    Anatomical structures that evolved in the common ancestor and passed to all resulting lineages
  • Analogous structures

    Similar structures/traits due to shared selective pressures- NOT from a direct common ancestor
  • Convergent evolution

    When two or more unrelated lineages of organisms evolve analogous structures and attain similar traits
  • Vestigial character

    No apparent function in modern organism, but homologous to functional structures in other organisms
  • Embryonic development

    • Early embryonic stages are very similar among diverse lineages of animals
    • Genetic programs developed in ancient common ancestors dictate early development
    • Species-specific gene expression patterns take over at later stages and determine each species' unique development
  • Molecular clock
    Comparing gene/protein sequences to understand evolutionary change
  • Before speciation occurs, all members of a population make up a single gene pool
  • If we can estimate # of mutations per unit time, comparing # of DNA/protein sequence differences can reveal approximate time since divergence
  • Molecular clock

    • Cytochrome c amino acid sequence differences between human and different eukaryotes reveal less differences between more closely related species (less time to change independently since species diverged)