Eco 1st

Cards (22)

  • Economics
    A discipline dealing with efficient use of resources namely Land, Labour, Capital and Enterprise
  • The chapter introduces you to economics through examples and stories of a hypothetical village of Palampur
  • Palampur
    • Well-connected with neighbouring villages and towns
    • Has about 450 families belonging to several different castes
    • 80 upper caste families own the majority of land
    • Dalits comprise one third of the population and live in smaller houses
    • Most houses have electric connections
    • Has two primary schools and one high school
    • Has a primary health centre and one private dispensary
  • Palampur is a hypothetical situation of a developed village in which production activities also take place
  • Main production activities in Palampur

    • Farming
    • Small manufacturing
    • Transport
    • Shop-keeping
  • Aim of production
    To provide required goods and services
  • Requirements of production

    • Land and other natural resources
    • Labour
    • Physical capital
    • Human capital
  • Every production is organised by combining land, labour, physical capital and human capital, which are known as factors of production
  • Land
    Fixed, area under cultivation is practically fixed since 1960
  • Farming is the main production activity in villages, with 75% of people dependent on it for livelihood
  • Measuring land

    Standard unit is hectare, local units like bigha, guintha also used
  • Ways to resolve limited land issue and grow more crops

    1. Growing different crops in different seasons (Kharif, Rabi)
    2. Improving irrigation system with tube wells and other sources
  • Multiple cropping
    The practice of growing more than one crop on a piece of land during the year
  • Modern farming methods

    • Use of High Yielding Variety (HYV) seeds
    • Use of pesticides, fertilizers and modern farm machinery
    • Modern irrigation techniques
  • Green Revolution

    Introduction of HYV seeds and increased use of fertilizers and irrigation to improve agriculture in India
  • The father of Green Revolution is Norman Borlaugh
  • Reason for initial limited spread of Green Revolution
    HYV seeds need plenty of water and regular chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which was expensive for most farmers initially
  • Green Revolution

    Associated with loss of soil fertility and depletion of groundwater due to overuse of chemical fertilizers and irrigation
  • About one third of the 450 families in Palampur are landless, most of them dalits
  • The remaining families who own land, 240 families cultivate small plots of land less than 2 hectares in size, which doesn't bring adequate income
  • Labour
    Small farmers cultivate their own fields, medium and large farmers hire farm labourers who face heavy competition and agree to work on lower wages
  • Capital
    Modern farming methods require a great deal of capital, small farmers have to borrow at high interest rates, medium and large farmers use their own savings