Transportation Engineering

Cards (5)

  • Economic Development Strategies
    • Promote economic development
    • Improved transportation
    • Support environment
    • Increase the use of workforce
    • Optimum utilization of resources
    • Utilize adequate funds
    • Promote us of upgraded technology
  • Transportation Engineering

    • Applies modern technology and scientific principles to the design, development, and maintenance of transportation systems
    • Utilizes latest developments in transportation and use it to create the most efficient and effective systems possible
    • Applies to major terminals and networks that connect them
  • Common Concerns of Transportation Engineers

    • Managing proper maintenance of roadways
    • Handling traffic flow to minimize congestion
    • Preventing transportation accidents
    • Selecting the appropriate pavement and other materials for roads, highways, etc.
    • Facilitating efficient trade routes
    • Providing safe options for pedestrian traffic
  • What do Transportation Engineering do?

    1. Plan, design, construct, operate and maintain transportation systems
    2. Evaluate the supply and demand in transportation sector
    3. Supervising work on a construction site
    4. Determine the traffic impact caused by new development plants
    5. Identify solutions for transportation problems
    6. Providing recommendations for traffic policies
    7. Execute number of studies for traffic optimization
  • Transportation Engineering in PH