MO Law

Cards (100)

  • How old must someone be to be a pharm tech?
    At least minimum legal working age
  • Where must certificates of board registration be displayed?
    Conspicuously in the pharmacy
  • How long before license expiration date must techs apply for renewal?
    30 days
  • How long after license expiration before registration is considered lapsed?
    after 30 days
  • What happens to someone who violates state, federal, or territory drug law?
    can be placed on pharmacy board disqualification list
  • What is included in the mailed notification that is sent to a tech placed on the disqualification list?
    1. Allegation
    2. That name appears on list
    3. Consequences and length of time they'll be on list
    4. Right to file complaint with administrative hearing commission
  • What must a pharmacy/institution do if final discipline or voluntary resignation of pharm tech occurs after a complaint is filed?
    Must notify the board
  • T or F: All pharmacists may provide pharmaceutical consultation and advice to persons concerning the safe
    and therapeutic use of their prescription drugs.
  • What rights does a pt have regarding choosing their pharmacy institution?
    They have a right to receive a written script to take to a pharmacy of their choosing
  • What happens if a pharmacist's license renewal is refused?
    They shall be notified in writing with reasons why it was refused and also informed of right to file a complaint with the AHC
  • What may cause the board to file a complaint with the AHC against a pharmacist's license?
    1. Use of controlled substance or alcohol that could interfere with job performance
    2. Found guilty or plea of nolo contendere in any offense
    reasonably related to the qualifications, functions or duties, for any offense an essential element of which is fraud, dishonesty or an act of violence, or for any
    offense involving moral turpitude, whether or not sentence is imposed
    3. Use of fraud, dishonesty, or bribery to obtain license
    4. Obtaining fees by fraud
    5. Incompetence, misconduct, gross negligence, fraud, misrepresentation or dishonesty in the
    performance of the functions or duties
    6. Violation of pharmacy law
    7. Impersonating a person with a license or allowing another person to use their license or diploma
    8. Denial or suspension of license in another state
    9. Adjudged incapacitated
    10. Assisting someone to practice pharmacy who is not registered
    11. Issuance of license upon a material mistake of fact
    12. Failure to display license
    13. Violation of professional trust or confidence
    14. False advertisement
    15. Violation of drug laws
    16. Substituting drug products or formulations without prior approval
    17. Personal use of a controlled substance unless prescribed
  • What disciplinary action can result after a finding by the AHC?
    1) Probation for up to 5 years
    2) Suspension for up to 3 years
    3) Revocation of the license, certificate, or permit
  • What can result from a finding that shows clear and present danger to public safety?
    expedited hearing and preliminary hearing in 15 days
  • At what point for the board does temporary authority become final authority to suspend or revoke license?
    If there is no request by the licensee or registrant for a full hearing within thirty days of the preliminary hearing
  • When can a pharmacist sub a generic product for brand name?
    1) When prescriber signs the generic sub allowed line
    2) Oral rx when the prescriber says substitution allowed
  • Which side on a written script should have the DAW line?
  • What must be on an rx label?
    1) Date filled
    2) Sequential number
    3) Patient's name
    4) Directions
    5) Prescriber's name
    6) Name and address of pharmacy
    7) Exact name and dosage of drug
    8) Refills or no refills
    9) Name of manufacturer for generic
  • What is required on the label of wholesale drugs?
    1) Name of manufacturer
    2) Expiration date
    3) Batch or lot number
    4) NDC
  • When should a pharmacist file an application for license renewal?
    Within 30 days of expiration
  • What happens if a pharmacist fails to renew license within 2 years of expiration?
    They shall be treated as a new applicant
  • What happens to a pharmacist whose license lapses while they are engaged in active duty?
    can be renewed without paying
    any lapse, renewal or registration fee or without passing any examination, if an affidavit is furnished within one year of when the pharmacist's service, training or education has terminated
  • How much CE is required in MO?
    15 hours every year
  • How often must an inactive license be renewed?
    every other year
  • When can an inactive license be switched to an active license?
    When proof of CE completion is provided for the total amount of time license was inactive
  • In any order of revocation, the board may provide that the person may not apply for reinstatement of his license for a period of time ranging from ___ to ___ years following the date of the order of revokation
    2 to 7 years
  • What can the board require if a license is revoked for greater than 2 years?
    CE must be made up and possible must retake exam
  • What happens with fees paid?
    Placed in BOP fund by department of revenue
  • When are BOP funds transferred?
    when the amount in the fund at the end of the biennium
    exceeds two times the amount of the appropriation from the board's funds for the preceding fiscal year (or three times if renewal less frequent than one year)
  • Which poisons are in Schedule A?
    arsenic and its preparations, biniodide of mercury, cyanide of potassium, hydrocyanic acid, strychnia, and all other poisonous vegetable alkaloids and their salts, and the essential oil of bitter almonds
  • How must a box containing schedule A or B poisons be labeled?
    label the box, vessel or paper in which the said poison is contained, and also the outside wrapper or cover with the name of the article, the word "poison" and the name and place of business of the seller
  • What documentation must be kept regarding the sale of poison?
    an entry made in a book kept for that purpose, stating the date of sale, name and address of purchaser, the name of the poison sold, the purpose for which it was represented by the purchaser to be required and the name of the
    dispenser, such book to be always open for inspection by the proper authorities, and to be preserved for at least
    five years
  • Which poisons are schedule B?
    opium and its preparations, except paregoric and other preparations of opium containing less than two grains to the ounce, aconite, bella donna, colchicum, conium, nux vomica, henbane, savin, ergot, cotton root, cantharides, creosote, veratrum, digitalis, and their pharmaceutical preparations, croton oil, chloroform, chloral hydrate, sulphate of zinc, corrosive sublimate, red precipitate, white precipitate, mineral acids, carbolic acid, oxalic acid
  • Define prescription or drug order.
    lawful order for medications or devices issued and signed by an authorized prescriber within the scope of his professional practice which is to be dispensed or administered by a pharmacist or dispensed or administered for the ultimate user. The terms "prescription" and "drug order" do not include an order
    for medication requiring a prescription to be dispensed, which is provided for the immediate administration to
    the ultimate user or recipient.
  • What happens with a telephone prescription?
    A telephone prescription shall be
    promptly reduced to written or electronic medium by the pharmacist and shall comply with all laws governing
    prescriptions and record keeping.
  • T or F: Pharmacy law does not limit the authority of other licensed health care providers to prescribe, administer, or dispense medications and treatments within the scope of their professional practice.
  • Who can accept a prescription presented to be dispensed?
    the patient or patient's authorized representative, unless that person is located on a premises licensed by the board as a pharmacy
  • How long must original prescriptions be kept and be producible for court?
    At least 5 years
  • Which records can be contained on microfilm?
    Those maintained for greater than 3 years
  • Who must the pharmacist be able to furnish an original rx for?
    prescriber or patient
  • How many people sit on the MO BOP?
    7 persons not affiliated with any SOP