Cards (27)

  • Nonsymbolic number refers to 'number sense' not reflected by Arabic digits
  • Core number systems

    • Subitizing system
    • Approximate Number System
  • Subitizing system

    • Does not rely on verbal counting skills
    • Mapping of numerosities <4 occurs prior to the acquisition of the counting principles
    • Six months after children acquire the counting principles, they learn to extend their counting range beyond the numbers within the subitizing range
  • Subitizing system
    • Task success dependent on absolute number of items presented, not affected by the numerical ratio between the crackers
    • Upper-bound limit of three
  • Subitizing system
    • Rhesus Monkeys given a choice between pieces of apple in two opaque containers - succeeded for 1 vs 2, 2 vs 3, 3 vs 4, 3 vs 5 but failed for 4 vs 5, 4 vs 6, 3 vs 8, 4 vs 8
  • Subitizing system
    • Rhesus Monkeys have slightly higher capacity than human infants (4 vs. 3)
    • Rhesus monkeys tracking also unaffected by the ratio between the quantities
  • Subitizing
    • Predictive of counting skills in 4-6-year-olds
    • Unrelated to symbolic number comparison or number line task performance in 6-7-year-olds
    • Deficits seen in Developmental dyscalculia
  • Approximate Number System (ANS)

    • Involved in generating approximate, nonsymbolic representations of quantity
    • Numerons help convert quantities into analogue magnitudes on the mental number line
    • ANS acuity is imprecise - can be measured using Weber fraction (w)
  • Nonsymbolic comparison

    • Arguably the most widely used measure of the precision of ANS acuity
    • Involves comparison of two nonsymbolic arrays of items (presented simultaneously or sequentially)
    • Variability of estimates increases with increasing quantity – Scalar variability
    • Underestimation of smaller numerosities and overestimation of larger numerosities
  • Meta-analyses demonstrate relationship between ANS and math achievement is relatively weak
  • Signatures of symbolic and non-symbolic comparison are unrelated
  • Impairments not as strong as in symbolic comparison for children with mathematical difficulties
  • Poorer number comparison skills

    Amongst adults without any formal mathematics education
  • Direction of relationship between ANS and maths not fully established
  • Nonsymbolic comparison task

    • Estimations influenced by non-numerical aspects of the display (dot size, density, perimeter)
    • No single standardized version - tasks differ in visual characteristics, stimuli presentation, duration
  • Measurement of ANS acuity

    • No single index of task performance - % accuracy, error rates, reaction times, accuracy/reaction time composite, distance/ratio effect size
    • Weber fraction (W) problematic - heterogenous values, different methods controlling for non-numerical dimensions lead to substantially variable performance
  • Tasks with sequential presentation rely on working memory
  • Task performance may at least partly depend on participants' ability to ignore visual characteristics and inhibition
  • Strength of ratio effect dependent on stimulus presentation and how performance was indexed
  • Better test-retest reliability for accuracy vs. W, argued against the use of ratio effect indices as they were found to be unreliable
  • Higher reliability for Non-symbolic comparison, compared to Symbolic comparison tasks
  • Nonsymbolic addition task

    • Two 'sum' arrays of dots are presented, the sum is compared to a third 'comparison' array
    • Young children can perform above chance and show the same pattern as adults
    • Performance on this task and nonsymbolic comparison task was significantly correlated in children aged 5-11
    • May tap other skills like working memory, inhibition and attentional control
  • Performance on nonsymbolic addition task

    Predictive of early maths skills in children who had just begun primary school, even after controlling for intelligence and literacy skills
  • Training the ANS can lead to improvements in mathematical ability
  • Many issues in the ANS literature, questioning whether the ANS really exists
  • It should not be assumed that ANS is numerical in nature (issue of continuous magnitudes)
  • The nonsymbolic addition task may be a suitable alternative measure of the ANS