A set of actions by which the nurse measures the status of a family as a client, its ability to maintain the following: Functioning unit, Maintain wellness, Prevent and controlProblems, Health and wellbeing
Poor quality/inaccurate and inadequate data can lead to inaccurately defined health and nursing problem, hence a poor designed Family Nursing Care Plan
Poor Environmental Condition specifically presence of breeding or resting sights of vectors of diseases as Health Threat due to lack or knowledge of the importance of hygiene and sanitation
Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health action due to failure to comprehend the nature, magnitude or scope of the problem
Probability of Success in minimizing, alleviating or totally eradicating the problem through health intervention, Current knowledge, technology and intervention to manage the problem, Resources of the family (physical, financial, manpower), Resources of the community (facilities and organization), Resources of the community health manager (knowledge, skill and time)
To determine the salience score, evaluate the family's perception ad evaluation of the problem in terms of seriousness and urgency of attention needed. The family's concern and felt needs require priority attention