
Cards (17)

    All threats of harm and malicious messages must be reported to the police
    If you are being bullied online, do not be afraid or ashamed
    1. Avoid communicating with the cyberbully by blocking their cellphone number and/or deleting them from your social media contacts
    2. Be consistent in reporting all incidents on bullying until it stops
    3. Share the incidents to your parents, teachers, or guidance counselor
    Seek professional advice from your teacher, guidance counselor, or police
  • You can inhibit stalking by doing the following:
    1. Change your daily travel routine as much as you can as well as the time of leaving the house or work
    2. Go along with colleagues or friends to and from school or work
    3. Ask your relatives to fetch you or shopping with your family members or friends
    4. Protect your personal information
    5. Identify safe places to stay without letting the stalker discover it
    3Rs - Resist, Record, Report
    1. Resist- resist extortion by using all means at the organization's disposal
    2. Record- record the incidents through video, voice and paper trail record as a vital evidence of the company's attempt to resist
    3. Report- report the incident internally and externally
  • APPROACHES to Gang and Youth Violence
    • Involve parents and guardians to improve their skills in communication, monitoring, problem-solving, and behavioral management
    • Formulate and strengthening policies on safety and reducing the risk for violence
    • Provide counselling services to the high-risk youth and their families
    • Provide community outreach programs to relate well with high-risk youth
    • Provide early education to underprivileged children for future learning and success
    atmosphere – where new members can discuss their experiences without any punishment and understand their roles and responsibilities in the group
    Linkages with other organization must be established to discuss ways in which they can educate their members in accordance with certain policies
  • NBI
    National Bureau of Investigation
  • PNP
    Philippine National Police
    • Always be alert and observes activities in your surroundings
    • Try to remember as many details as possible about the suspicious situation like the date, time, vehicle's make, color, and plate number, and description of passengers
    • When travelling, keep all itineraries strictly confidential
    • When taking a cab, hire a reputable one, and the route to be taken must be familiar to you
    • Be vigilant all the times
    • Keep the house locked even if you are inside. Lock all entrances at night
    • Secure the house keys. Change locks if keys are lost or stolen
    • Survey your environment, and report any suspicious activity
    • Avoid giving unnecessary personal or family information to anyone
    • Stay in safe and secured places. Do not pass through dark and dangerous streets alone
    • Always lock your car

    • Social norms that promote gender equality, quality response services, women's economic stability, communication between the couple, and women's aggression against their husbands
    • Management of domestic violence includes medical services, law enforcement, counselling, and others
    • counselling sessions
    • Maintaining an open communication is of great importance in dealing with persons suicidal behavior
    • Providing family and social support, consulting with a psychologist or psychiatrist
    • Using drugs therapeutically for alcohol abuse, depression, or mental illness, and attending psychotherapy sessions result in positive outcomes in their behavior
  • Sexual Abuse and Harassment
    • Parental use of reasoning in solving family conflicts
    • Emotional health and connectedness
    • Use of empathy
    • Concern for others