
Cards (9)

  • what is a laboratory experiment?

    A controlled scientific procedure conducted in a controlled environment to test a hypothesis.
  • what is a strength of laboratory experiment?

    controlled environment and control of any extraneous variables that could take place, easy to replicate due to the standardised procedure
  • what is a weakness of laboratory experiment?
    low ecological validity because they are conducted in an artificial study that does not reflect real-life.
  • what is a field experiment?
    An experiment conducted in a real-world setting, outside of a laboratory.
  • what is a strength of field experiment?
    high ecological validity due to the natural setting
    less chance of demand characteristics
  • what is a weakness of a field experiment?
    less control over extraneous/cofounding variables
    difficult to replicate the research meaning less reliable
  • what is a quasi experiment?
    a naturally occurring independent variable that already exists between people, such as gender or age.
    • studies that look for casual effects without random assignment of participants to groups.
  • strengths of a quasi experiment
    higher external validity - more real world applications
    more targeted, controlled and efficient
  • weakness of quasi experiment?
    lower internal validity - due to the researchers controlling the variables, hard to know if they have included all cofounding variables
    time-consuming - many sets of hypothesis that may make it harder to investigate
    risk of inaccurate data - often borrows data