Once acquired, H. pylori colonizes the stomach for a long time and can cause a low-grade inflammatory process, producing a chronic superficial gastritis
Although it does not invade the gastric epithelium, the infection is recognized by the host immune system, which initiates an antibody response
Antibodies produced are not protective
H. pylori is also recognized as a major cause of type B gastritis, a chronic condition formerly associated primarily with stress and chemical irritants
Are isolated from stool samples and rectal swabs, the less preferred specimen
If a delay in processing the stool specimen is anticipated, it can be placed in a transport medium such as Cary-Blair to maintain the viability of the organisms
A common stool transport medium, buffered glycerol saline, is toxic to enteric campylobacters and should therefore be avoided
Contains: Brucella agar base, 10% sheep red blood cells, and a combination of antimicrobials – vancomycin, trimethoprim, polymyxin B, amphotericin B, and cephalothin
A combination of a nonselective medium, such as CHOC agar or Brucella agar with 5% horse red blood cells, and a selective medium, such as Skirrow's agar, may be used
Should be extended to 72 hours to isolate enteric Campylobacter spp. more efficiently
This allows facultative organisms present on the medium to reduce the O2 tension created by the candle to a more suitable concentration for campylobacters
This allows facultative organisms present on the medium to reduce the O2 tension created by the candle to a more suitable concentration for campylobacters