Increased Interconnectivity: Globalization has facilitated the spread of religious ideas and practices across borders, leading to increased interconnectivity among different faiths
Religious Pluralism: As people migrate and societies become more diverse, there is a rise in religious pluralism. This has led to greater exposure to and acceptance of various religious traditions
Transnational Religious Movements: Globalization has given rise to transnational religious movements, allowing religions to expand beyond their traditional geographic boundaries
Economic and Social Influences: The global economy and social factors have influenced how religions operate, sometimes leading to the commercialization of sacred traditions
Challenges to Traditional Practices: The global exchange of ideas can challenge traditional religious practices, leading to reforms or resistance within religious communities
Interreligious Dialogue: With Increased interaction among different faiths, interreligious dialogue has become more important, promoting understanding and cooperation
Hybridization: The blending of different cultural and religious elements, known as hybridization, has resulted in new forms of religious expression
Diasporas and Migration: Migrants and diasporas play a crucial role in the globalization of religion, contributing to the expansion of globe-spanning religious networks
Media and Technology: Advances in media and technology have allowed for the creation, circulation, and consumption of religious images, narratives, and practices on a global scale