plant diseases and defences

Cards (14)

  • What are 'aphids'?
    sap-sucking insects.
  • What do aphids do?
    penetrate into the phloem vessels to feed on the sugar-rich phloem sap. This damages and weakens the plant.
  • How can you destroy aphids?
    chemical pesticides
    aphid-eating insects (ladybirds)
  • What are nitrate ions needed for?
    Plant growth (protein synthesis)
  • What happens if there is a nitrate deficiency in a plant?
    -protein synthesis will be limited
    -stunted growth
    -reduced crop yield (agricultural production)
  • What are magnesium ions used for in a plant?
    to make chlorophyll.
  • What happens if the level of magnesium ions is low in a plant?
    -not enough chlorophyll made
    -yellow leaves
    -growth slows down due to lack of glucose
  • What is chlorosis?

    Yellowing of plant leaves due to a lack of chlorophyll.
  • What are the symptoms of plant diseases?
    Wilting, yellowing, spots, stunted growth.
  • What physical barriers are there in plants?
    cellulose cell wall = strengthens plant cells & help resist invasion
    tough waxy cuticles
    bark on tree = layer of dead cells
    leaf fall
  • What chemical barriers are there in plants?
    -antibacterial chemicals
    -poisons to deter herbivores, eg: foxgloves
  • What are mechanical barriers in plants?
    -thorns which makes plants unpleasant to eat
    -hairy stems (some combine hairs with poison)
    -drooping/curling when touched (dislodges insects + frightens animals)
    -mimicry (some plants mimic unhealthy plants)
  • What are placebos?
    An inactive substance made to resemble a drug for researchers to use as a control.
  • How can plant diseases be identified?
    test the DNA of the pathogens
    using test kits that contain monoclonal antibodies
    taking the infected plant to a lab to identify the pathogen