Cards (40)

  • Community Values
    Judgement about what is important to or good for a community.
  • Effective
    Programs should be developed and delivered to provide treatment, services, resources and information that produce a benefit and achieve desired outcome for health and wellbeing.
  • Strength based
    Enabled resilience, help-seeking behaviors, control over an improvement to health and wellbeing. They should also advocate for positive outcomes, communication skills, increased self-esteem and acceptance to build personal strength.
  • Safe, Respectful and confidential
    Non-judgmental and discreet, which is critical to ensuring a feeling of security and being cared for is created. Healthcare providers should be safe, respectful and confidential.
  • Accessible
    Without discrimination based on country of birth, cultural heritage, language, gender, religious beliefs, age or socioeconomic, education of family background.
  • Way Out
    State-wide suicide prevention program that targets same sex attracted, bisexual and transgender young people in rural Victoria. Funded by the Victorian Government department of health to support young individuals and their families and friends.
  • Live4life
    Youth Suicidal prevention and mental health education model. To improve and invest in young people's mental health and wellbeing through the implementation of the Live4Life model.
  • Rethink Sugary Drinks
    is a partnership between 1 3 health and community organizations, including the Australian Dental association, Cancer Council, Diabetes Australia and Nutrition Australia. These organizations are concerned about the amount of sugar in soft drinks and sugary drink consumption.
  • Drink Wise
    Established by the alcohol industry, Drink Wise Australia an independent, non-for-profit organization to bring about a healthier and safer drinking culture in Australia.
  • YouthBeyondBlue
    Empowers people aged 12-25, their friends and those who care for them to respond to anxiety and depression.
  • Dove Self-esteem
    Created with the vision of beauty as a source of confidence, not anxiety.
  • Health Inequalities
    Difference in health status or distribution of health risks and protective factors.
  • Social Inequalities
    Unequal distributions of resources, wealth and opportunities within groups and societies based on characteristics such as religion, ethnicity, gender, age and class.
  • Safe P-Platers
    The website includes sessions on night driving, drink driving and peer pressure. It also provides suggestions about how parents can support young drivers.
  • Doctors in School
    In 2017, the Victorian Government began the Doctors in Secondary Schools initiative. This meant 100 Victorian Government schools had up to one day a week with a general practitioner to provide medical advice and healthcare to those students in need.
  • Headspace
    The Federal Government Funds Headspace. A program developed as a health and wellbeing service for mental and general health and wellbeing, drug and alcohol services, as well as work and study support.
  • It Stops With Me
    It Stops with Me is a national campaign that provides tools and resources about Racism. It has developed resources to support organizations, schools, students and advocates in opposing racism and contributing towards a more inclusive society.
  • Stop it at the Start
    In 2019, the Australian Government announced $328 million package to reduce violence against women and children. The package includes funding to stop domestic and family violence and sexual assault.
  • National Alcohol Strategy
    The National Alcohol Strategy was established to help people get off alcohol to keep others safe, more specifically youth in law socioeconomic backgrounds.
  • The Health Literacy Environment
    The way information about the choices you can make about your health and wellbeing to provided to you.
  • Individual health literacy
    How much you already know about health and wellbeing issues and risks; how your personal characteristics might shape your decisions.
  • Youth Central
    Provides articles of information on many topics that concern the youth.
  • Risk Factor
    Something that increases the likelihood of developing a disease or injury.
  • Protective factor

    Something that enhances the likelihood of positive health and wellbeing outcome and lessens the likelihood of negative health and wellbeing outcomes due to low exposure of risks.
  • Risk factors for youth mental health and wellbeing.
    -Risk taking violence
    -Poor physical health and wellbeing
    -Social exclusion
    -attitudes and beliefs.
  • Protective factors for youth mental health and wellebeing
    -Easy temperament
    -Good social and emotional skills
    -Stable home environment.
  • Anxiety
    Characterized by an uneasy mental state that may be brought on by an actual or perceived threat to the safety and wellbeing of the individual.
  • Social Anxiety
    May cause a young person to avoid social situations as they are concerned how others see the, or about communicating in an unfamiliar group.
  • Depression
    Is a debilitating condition in which the feelings of sadness or worthlessness continue for an extended period of time.
  • Direct Cost
    Direct cost can be the responsibility of the individual with the condition, or the responsibility of the community.
  • Direct Cost - Individual
    Direct fee paying for anti-depressants.
  • Direct Cost - Community
    Seeing a GP for low mood and they 'bulk bill' the schedule fee meaning Medicare (or for the taxpayer) covers the fee.
  • Indirect Cost
    Costs not directly related to the diagnosis or treatment of the disease, but that occur as a result of the person having the disease.
  • Indirect Cost - Individual
    When a young person is unwell due to depression they may need to have regular consultants requiring ongoing transport cost.
  • Indirect Costs - Community
    Greater funding for the family members who require welfare payments to care for a young person with depression.
  • Intangible Costs
    Costs on which it is difficult to place a monetary value. They often involve emotions or feelings for both the individual and community.
  • Intangible costs - Individual
    Depression may reduce participation in social activities, such as playing in the school football team or participating in social events with family and friends.
  • Intangible Costs - Community
    Family and friends experience grief in the case of the death of a young person due to suicide.
  • What can Advocacy do?
    -Encourage participation
    -Address inequalities
    -Improve services
    -Change attitudes and values.
  • The two main goals of advocacy
    -Protecting people who are vulnerable or discriminated against.
    -Empowering people who need to stronger voice by enabling them to express their needs and make their own decisions.