
Cards (93)

  • Part of neuron that receive info
  • Parkinson's disease 

  • the little brain
  • Can comprehend very simple language
    right hemisphere
  • unit contains several million nerve fiber
    Corpus Callosum
  • Enya presents with symptoms of excessive hair growth, irregular menstrual cycles, and acne. Which hormone imbalance is most likely responsible?
  • After Ryuji consumes a banana split, the hormone expected to increase is:
  • It begins where the spinal cord centers the skull and swells; it is responsible for automatic survival function.
  • Which stage of psychosexual development is associated with the Oedipus or Electra complex?
    phallic stage
  • Which stage of psychosocial development occurs during early adulthood?

    intimacy vs. isolation
  • The nature vs nurture debate pertains to the influence of:
    genetics vs. environment
  • . It is the emergence of a child's experience, expression, understanding, and regulation of emotion from birth through late adolescence.
    emotional development
  •  It is one of the two rules of emotional display wherein a child alters his or her display of emotion to protect another's feelings. 
    prosocial behavior
  •  This emotional display, the child masks emotions to avoid embarrassment or to protect himself or herself from potentially negative consequences. 
    self protective behavior
  •  This is the time where children gain a greater sense of self and an understanding of how specific situations can lead them to experience emotions. 
    entering school
  • This element of personality is charged with controlling the urges of the id and operates in your preconscious and conscious mind. 
  • These are the three levels where the stages of moral development are associated with:
    Pre-conventional, Conventional, Post-conventional 
  •  It is how we can perceive the world only from our point of view.
  • It refers to the process of sensing our environment through touch, taste, sight, sound, and smell.
  • This is the point where something becomes noticeable to our senses. It is considered as the softest sound we can hear or the slightest touch we can feel.

    absolute treshold
  •  It is the view that perception of sensory stimuli involves the interaction of physical, biological, and psychological factors.Signal Detection Theory
  •  It refers to those depth cues in which both eyes are needed to perceive.
    binocular cues
  •  Sarah is shopping for a new dress to wear to an outdoor event. She finds one she loves, but when she tries it on inside the store, it looks too dark. However, when she steps outside into the sunlight, the dress appears to be the perfect shade. Why does the dress appear differently in different lighting conditions?
    Brightness constancy
  • Tom sees a photograph of a skyscraper taken from the ground. Despite the building appearing smaller in the photo due to its distance, Tom still recognizes it as a tall structure. Which perceptual process allows Tom to maintain the perception of the skyscraper's true size?
    . Size constancy
  • After recovering from a severe cold, Sarah notices that she can no longer taste the flavors of her favorite foods. Despite biting into a juicy apple, she experiences no sensation of sweetness or tartness. What condition might Sarah be experiencing?
  • What type of cells in the retina are responsible for color vision and detailed visual perception in bright light conditions?
  • While lying in bed with your eyes closed, you are still aware of the sounds around you, the warmth of your blankets, and the thoughts drifting through your mind. Which of the following states best describes this experience?
  • Which statement accurately reflects the relationship between consciousness, subjective awareness of time, introspection, and physical activities?
    Subjective awareness of time and introspection play significant roles in defining consciousness, which is also influenced by physical activities in the brain and body.
  •  You're discussing the importance of sleep with a friend. How would you best describe the relationship between sleep and time spent on activities?
     Sleep duration varies individually, but it typically occupies around one-third of your day and is essential for physical and mental well-being.
  • . How many stages of sleep are there?
  •  During this stage, people's eyeballs are going crazy, rapidly darting all over the place underneath their eyelids. 
    REM Sleep
  • hey are pleasant dreams that can be so absorbing that they distract you from what's happening around you
    1. Daydreaming
  •  In Rita’s dreams, she's aware that she's in a dream, and she can often control what's happening. “I can walk through walls, jump out of windows and land on the ground totally fine, and fly”.
    lucid dreaming
  • You're at a music festival, and you've decided to experiment with psychedelic substances for the first time. You find yourself mesmerized by patterns appearing in the grass and the swirling clouds overhead. Suddenly, you hear whispers in the wind, though there's no one nearby. What classification of drugs did you use?
  • Hyunwoo suddenly begins to develop an attachment to his workmate Hae-in because of the pleasant smell of perfume he associates with Hae-in’s presence. He often smells this scent whenever Hae-in is around, and now it makes him happy to see her even without the smell. What type of conditioning occurred in this situation?
    classical conditioning
  • Because of a trauma caused by a doctor when he was a child, Arthur grew up terrified to go to any hospital and talk to doctors, nurses, and other health professionals. What classical conditioning process was demonstrated in this scenario?
    stimulus generalization
  •  What are the four main types of learning related to the aspects of our experiences?
    classical, conditional, operant, and creative
  •  What would happen if a dog was repeatedly presented with a bell alone without the presence or smell of food?
    The conditioned response of the dog will be weakened, leading to extinction.
  • It is often used to explain the basic structure and function of memory
    Stage Model of Memory
  •  You instantly dialed Enya's cell phone number after she handed it to you a few seconds ago, as you remembered. What type of memory? 
    Short-term Memory