Gender bias

    Cards (10)

    • Gender bias
      The differential treatment or representation of men and women based on stereotypes rather than real difference
    • Alpha bias
      A tendency to exaggerate differences between men and women, suggesting that there are real and enduring differences between the two sexes
    • Examples of Alpha Bias
      • Psychodynamic explanations for offending behaviour
      • Wilson's sociobiological theory of relationship formation
      • Historically, since the 1980s, schizophrenia has been diagnosed more frequently in men compared to women
    • Androcentrism
      The consequence of beta bias and occurs when all behaviour is compared according to a 'male' standard, often to the neglect or exclusion of women
    • Example of Androcentrism
      • PMS has been criticised by some as being a social construction, which trivialises female emotion, particularly anger. On the other hand, male anger is seen as a logical response to external pressures
    • Beta bias
      A tendency to ignore or minimise differences between men and women. Such theories tend to ignore questions about the lives of women, or insights derived from studies of men will apply equally well to women
    • Examples of Beta Bias
      • Early research conducted into the fight or flight response exclusively used male lab mice
      • Kohlberg's levels of moral reasoning theory was developed on the basis of studying groups of American males
    • Universality
      The aim to develop theories that apply to all people, which may include real differences. This describes any underlying characteristic of human behaviour which can be applied to all individuals, regardless of their differences
    • Bias, lack of validity and issues with reliability reduce the universality of psychological findings
    • Evaluation
      • Feminist psychology argues that difference psychology arises from biological explanations of behaviour
      • Bias in research methods
      • The laboratory experiment may also be an example of institutionalised sexism within psychology
      • Reverse alpha bias describes the development of theories that show a greater emphasis on women
      • Avoiding a beta bias
      • Assumptions need to be challenged
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