Issues and Debates: Gender Bias

    Cards (13)

    • Gender Bias
      Favouring one gender over the other
    • Psychologists seek universality

      Bias may be inevitable
    • Universality
      Conclusions drawn are applied to everyone, regardless of time or culture
    • Culture and gender bias
      Threaten the universality of findings in psychology
    • Alpha Bias
      Refers to theories which exaggerate the difference between men and women
    • Alpha Bias example
      • Freud's theory of psychosexual development
      • Boys develop castration anxiety, girls have weaker superego so are morally inferior
    • Beta Bias
      Refers to theories which ignore or minimise the differences between men and women and focuses on similarities
    • Beta Bias example

      • Fight or flight response research assumes male and female behaviour is the same
      • Biological research favours male animals as female behaviour is affected by hormones
    • Androcentrism
      Theories focused or centred on males, normal behaviour judged according to male standard
    • Androcentrism example
      • Asch's conformity study used only male participants but assumed results applied to women
    • Gender bias may create misleading assumptions about female behaviour and fail to challenge negative stereotypes
    • Gender bias promotes sexism in the research process, with women underrepresented in research fields
    • Research methodology used in gender research is biased, leading to differences between males and females
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