Is a 20th century German philosopher who attended the trial of Adolf Eichmann in 1961 and wrote about 'the banality of evil'
Jeremy Bentham
Is a 18th century English philosopher , regarded as the founder of utilitarianism, who argued that pleasure and pain are the same as good and bad.
Phillipa foot
20th century English philosopher who designed the runaway train thought experiment in 1967
John Locke
Is a17th century English philosopher who argued that when we are born, our mind is like a blank slate
John Stewart Mill
Is a 19th century Englishphilosopher who developed utilitarianism by arguing that the quality of pleasure or pain produced by an action is more important than the quantity
Friedrich Nietzsche
A 19th century Germany atheist who expressed his belief that humans no longer need the idea of God by saying 'God is dead and we have killed him'
A 20th century Americanphilosopher who used the example of the Chinese thought experiment to argue against AlanTuring's claim that computers can think
A 20th century Australian philosopher and utilitarian who popularised the word 'speciesism', which describes prejudice and discrimination against animals
Alan turing
20th century English computer scientist and philosopher who designed the turing test to show whether a computer can think