Cards (8)

    • social learning theory
      • acknowledges that social context plays role in development and that all behaviour including gender is learned from observing others
      • draws attention to influence of environment in shaping gender development
    • direct reinforcement
      • child more likely to be praised for demonstrating gender-appropriate behaviour
      • way in which boys and girls are encouraged to show distinct gender-appropriate behaviour is called differential reinforcement - through this the child learns their gender identity
      • behaviours that are reinforced are then imitated
    • indirect (vicarious) reinforcement
      • if consequences of others behaviour is favourable, child is more likely to imitate it
      • if behaviour is punished, less likely to be imitated
    • identification
      • process where child attaches to person who is seen to be 'like me' or someone 'i want to be' - in short possesses qualities the child sees as rewarding
      • these people are known as role models - may be part of immediate environment or present within the media - tend to be attractive, high status, and usually the same sex as the child
    • modelling
      • precise demonstration of behaviour that may be imitated by an observer
    • mediational (cognitive) processes
      • attention
      • retention
      • motor reproduction
      • motivation
    • S - supporting evidence
      • smith and loyd
      • 4-6 month olds who were dressed half the time in boys clothes and half in girls
      • when interacting with them, adults would give 'boys' hammer shaped rattles and encouraged them to be adventurous and active
      • same babies when dressed as girls were handed dolls and were frequently told they were pretty and were praised for being passive
      • suggests gender-appropriate behaviour is stamped in from an early age through differential reinforcement, therefore supporting the learning theory
    • S - explains changing gender roles
      • less of a clear-cut distinction between what people regard as masc and fem in todays society compared to a few decades ago
      • can be explained by a shift in social expectations and cultural norms meaning new forms of acceptable behaviour have been reinforced
      • as there has been no change in biology within this period, such a shift is better explained by the SLT
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