New and Emerging technologies

Cards (29)

  • Technology push
    When technology advances enough to invent or develop new products.
  • Give an example of technology push

    An example of product that was made due to technology push is the smart phone where existing touch-screen technology was use to improve the mobile phone
  • Market pull
    When a consumer demands forces an invention of development of a product
  • Give an example of market pull
    The demands of customer lead to the development of the camera.The have become smaller, lightweight and higher performing.
  • What has automation resulted in?
    -a decline in demand of traditional skills
    lead to employees having to be retrained or upskilled to handle the new technology
  • What is auotmation
    the use of automatic equipment in production
  • Advantages of automation
    _-repeats a process quickly and can run for 24 hours
    -Less chance of human error
    -lower running cost (reducing staff so now need to pay them)
    -less waste
  • Disadvantages of automation
    -Reduces employment workforce (leads to uemployment)
    -Expensive to set up and fix if broken
    -Specialised workers are needed to work the machine
  • artificial intelligence
    the use of computer systems to perform taks that usually require human inteligence
  • Advantages of AI
    -increased efficiency
    -Can handle harmful materials
    -More precise compared to human beings
  • Disadvantages of Ai
    Very expensive to set up and repair
    -need of constant power
    -Loss of jobs
    -speciallised training needed to look after it
  • What are fossil fuels?
    a natural fuel such as coal or gas, formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms.
  • Name 3 examples of fossil fuels
    coal, oil, natural gas
  • Describe the process in which coal produces electricity
    -the coal is use to heat up water
    -the water than evaporates into steam
    -this steam builds up into high pressure and turns to turbines
    -turbine is connected to an electrial generator which creates electricity
  • Advantages of using coal
    -enough coal on earth to last for hundred years
    -produces high amounts of energy
  • Disadvantages of using coal
    -produces carbon dioxide when burned contributing to global warming
    -damage is caused to natural land when mining takes place
  • Advantages of natrual gas
    -it emits less less carbon dioxide than coal or oil
    -the Uk has shale gas deposits
  • disadvantages of natrual gas
    Gas is highly flammable - if there is a gas leak, an explosion can easily happen
    Extracting gas might cause the pollution of water
  • advantages of oil
    A small amount of oil can produce a lot of energy
    It is relatively easy to store and transport
  • Disadvantages of oil
    - Creates significant air pollution when burned
    - Considerable impact on water, land use and disposal
  • Name 4 examples of renewable sources of energy
    wind , solar , hydroelectircal and biomas
  • advantage of renewable resources
    doesnt produce toxic chemicals
    they will never run out
    after set up cost, energy supply is free
  • disadvantages of renewable resources
    Primary costs are expensive
    You are dependent on the weather for solar and wind power
    turbines and cells use to generate power can look ugly and ruin the environment
  • Explain the term carbon foot print(2)
    Carbon foot print is the measurement/amount of greenhouse gases produced in the production of
    products (1)by recycling, (e.g. clothes in a charity shop) there becomes a reduction in energy used in its
    disposal (1).
  • photovalic solar cells
    is a nonmechanical device that converts sunlight into electricity
  • Describe the decline stage of product life cycle(2)
    -Sales are declining and this might be due to the fact that many people already own the product(2)
  • What is planned obsolescence?
    the strategy of deliberately designing products to have a short product life cycle
  • Many products end up in landfill sites. Explain the impact this has on the environment.

    Many products are made from non-renewable materials such as plastic which does not biogderade very easily and can increase toxic substances entering are food chain.
  • Analyse why a growing number of products are using recycled boards and papers as an alternative to plastics and other materials.
    that both consumers and manufactures are aware
    that more traditional materials are detrimental to the environment