neurological studies of decision making have reveared evidence against it... Lider (1985 and sooner all 20081. have demonstrated that the brain. aatvlly duermines the outcome of simple choice may nagare the mowledge or having made such a choice. int researchers found that the activity. related to whether to press a button with the sett or northand OCCURS UP to 10 seconds metare panicipants were concoussly aware or making such a dession. This sofgesis that even our most basic experiences of free will are decided and aerermined by our brain before we become aware of them
The hard detteminserc sranit that inglardver choice since the cause of behaviour, is not consistent win/ht ways our Legal system operares in cOUTH BOW artenders are held a flower morary accountante interaction..
no maker how scitnestic it seems, it is untaisin, this is because his based on the idea that causes of ethaureer or bthourour will always exist which Is Impossible to prove wrong-gebring unyaisizable ques against disagrees with the features of a science (Poppet 1934)