Can use a camera, scanner, and microphone to input data
Usually hire space from the web hosting company
Ability to add sound/video/animation
Links to other websites/hyperlinks
Use of hot spots
Buttons to navigate/move around the website
Hit counters to see who has visited the websites
Worldwide advertising capability
Can be hacked and modified, or viruses introduced
Need for a computer and internet connection
Lack of portability compared with the paper-based system
Need to maintain the website once it is set up
Multimedia Presentations
Uses a mixture of media to present information: animations, video, sound, transitions, hyperlinks
Multimedia Presentations
Produced using software packages
Used with a projector so a large audience can view
Multimedia Presentations
Use of sound and animation/video effects
Interactive/hyperlinks built into presentations
More likely to hold the audience's attention
Multimedia Presentations
Need for special equipment – expensive
May require internet access
Distracts the audience from the sole content of the presentation
Very easy to make a presentation with too many features
Media streaming
Real-time transition of audio and video files over the internet, allows users to access content without downloading it to their devices
Media streaming
Uses buffering to ensure smooth playback without freezing
Media streaming
Users can access any information at any time and from any location
Offers an extensive library of content
More cost-effective than traditional cable or satellite TV subscriptions
Media streaming
Heavily relies on a stable and high-speed internet connection
Not all content is available on every streaming platform due to licensing agreements and exclusivity deals
You don't own the media when streaming, so it may become inaccessible if removed from the service
Digital versions of printed materials, such as eBooks, eMagazines, and eNewspapers, that can be read on electronic devices
Aid portability
Often more affordable than paperback books
Offer interactive elements that enhance the reading experience
Reading from an electronic device for a prolonged time can cause eyestrain
Lack the tactile experience and physical presence that some readers enjoy
Compatibility issues can arise if the ePublication is in a format not supported by the reader's device or software
Mobile communication forms
Short message service (SMS) messaging
Phone calls
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
Video calls
Accessing the Internet
Short message service (SMS) messaging
Permits extremely quick communication with another person via typing on a keyboard, recipient can get the text whenever they choose without being available
Phone calls
Making calls while on the go is among the most fundamental applications of a mobile phone, mobile phones are the perfect method to stay in correspondence anywhere there is a network signal because they are compact and have an independent battery
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
A communication technique for Internet users that transforms sound captured by the built-in mic of the cell phone into individual data packets that may be transmitted via the internet to their intended recipient
Video calls
Enables real-time video conversing between multiple participants with a camera-enabled device, uses an internet connection or cellular data
Accessing the Internet
Any mobile device with a wireless broadband connection or a mobile phone network can link to the internet
Web pages are individual documents on websites containing text, images, links to other webpages, etc.