
Cards (32)

  • What is the aim of life in Buddhism?
    to break the cycle of rebirth by achieving nirvana
  • What are the three things life is marked by
    The three marks of existence
  • what is Anicca
    the teaching that nothing lasts and everything is changing
  • What is anatta
    the teaching that there is no soul
  • what is dukkha
    refers to the suffering of life
  • What do the four noble truths help u understand
    Understanding the condition of life and the way to overcome this
  • What are the four noble truths?
    Life means suffering(dukkha)
    The origin of suffering is craving
    u can cease suffering if people are satisfied and understand reality and stop craving
    the path to ending suffering is the eightfold path
  • What are the Noble Eightfold Paths
    Right views/understanding
    right intention
    right action
    right speech
    right livelihood
    right effort
    right mindfulness
    right contemplation
  • What do the eightfold paths do
    helps reduce suffering and can also be used to achieve nirvana
  • what are the five precepts
    do not lie
    no sexual misconduct
    do not kill
    no intoxicating substances
    no stealing
  • Shamatha meditation
    Shamatha meditation allows us to experience our mind as it is
  • why can Buddhism be considered a religion?
    narrative which are symbolic stories included in Buddhism as the Tipitaka
    rules such as the five precepts and eightfold paths which shapes a buddhists life
  • why might Buddhism not be considered a religion
    they do not have a god which is considered the basic of a religion and is why it may be viewed as a spirituality
  • What is Mahayana
    The later type of buddhism which accepts the idea of supernatural buddhas called bodhisattvas who help achieve enlightenment
  • what is Theravada
    the older type of buddhism which traces its beliefs back to the first Buddhists and emphasises on achieving enlightenment
  • What is empiricism
    The theory that knowledge is gained through the senses
  • rationalism
    the theory that knowledge is gained through reason
  • What is scepticism
    the theory that certain knowledge is impossible. questioning the validity of the world around u
  • what is told by the allegory of the cave
    plato distinguishes between people who mistake sensory knowledge for the truth and people who see it as the truth using many of the representations
  • what does each thing mean in the allegory
    prisoners are us who believe their senses
    the cave as the illusionary world
    the shadows are what we perceive
    the world outside is the truth
    the prisoner who escapes are philosophers
    the sun is philosophical knowledge
  • What are the similarities between the allegory of the cave the Truman show and the matrix?
    all three are controlled by a greater power and realise they are unaware of reality and the truth
    all demonstrate the false acceptance of the truth and when dug further there is another layer of truth
    the need to move on beyond their senses in order to gain knowledge
  • what are the differences between the three
    plato‘s prisoner leaves by himself Truman is given a choice and neo is helped
    truman is the only one with experience of false truth
    neo and many others wanted to escape however the other prisoners didn’t want to
  • What is radical scepticism
    Not being able to tell for sure whether we are dreaming and how we can tell we know any truth about the world we are living in
  • What are the three waves of doubt
    illusion-his senses deceiving him must be rare so he accepts them as illusions
    dreaming-this attacks all of his senses
    deception-an evil demon controlling our lives making us question life and our beliefs
  • What is the Turing test?

    Based on the idea that u can’t tell the difference between a human and a computer when speaking to them then the computer is intelligent and can think
  • what is specieism
    Giving preference to our own species over than any other species
  • what separates us from animals?
    free will a soul language morality religious beliefs and intelligence
  • why can humans be considered more valuable
    In Christianity only humans have souls and are more valuable and according to aristotle humans possess more rationality and have the ability to reason setting them apart and humans have capacity for higher level thinking and motel reasoning
  • What virtues are important to stoics
    Practical wisdom temperance justice and courage
  • core beliefs of stoicism
    virtue tolerance and self control
  • what is stoicism
    an Ancient Greek philosophy laid down by zeno teaching that wise people live in harmony with reason and are indifferent to outcomes of pleasure and pain
  • what is transhumanism
    the belief that humans can evolve its current physical mental limitations