1.1.3 Cell Specialisation

Cards (5)

  • Sperm cells
    • Specialised for reproduction
    • Function is to get male DNA to female DNA
    • It has a long tail and a streamlined head to help it swim to the egg
    • There are a lot of mitochondria in the cell to provide the energy needed
    • It also carries enzymes in its head to digest through the egg cell membrane
  • Nerve cells
    • Specialised for rapid signalling
    • Function is to carry electrical signals across the body
    • Cells are long to cover more distance and have branched connections to connect to other nerve cells and form a bodily network
  • Muscle cells
    • Specialised for contraction
    • Function is to quickly contract
    • Cells are long to have space to contract and contain lots of mitochondria to generate energy to contract
  • Root hair cells
    • Specialised for absorbing water and minerals
    • Cells are found on the surface of plant roots
    • Cells grow out long and stick in the soil meaning the plant has a bigger surface area for absorption
  • Phloem and xylem cells
    • Specialised for transporting substances
    • Form phloem and xylem tubes
    • Cells are long and joined end to end
    • Phloem cells have few sub-cellular structures to allow flow of substance
    • Xylem cells are hollow to allow flow of substance