Elastic Deformation - Rocks return to their original shape and size.
Ductile Deformation - Occurs when enough stress is applied to a material that the changes in its shape are permanent, and the material is no longer able to revert to its original shape.
Brittle Deformation - Occurs when rock is broken apart and is no longer coherent, as when limestone breaks apart when the earth's crust is ruptured.
Mechanism of Rock Deformation - the process that tends to accommodate large strains in rocks, thus leading to a stable structure/microstructure to the rock.
Elastic Deformation - Rocks return to their original shape and size.
Ductile Deformation - Occurs when enough stress is applied to a material that the changes in its shape are permanent, and the material is no longer able to revert to its original shape.
Brittle Deformation - Occurs when rock is broken apart and is no longer coherent, as when limestone breaks apart when the earth's crust is ruptured.
Folding mechanisms - Bending involves forces applied and acting at high angles to layers that may or may not have competence contrasts.
Fault mechanism - a fracture or zone of fractures between two blocks of rock.
Shearing mechanism - described as the lateral movement of one rock surface against another.