
Cards (9)

  • Grant background
    Context dependant memory- Godden and Baddeley
  • Grant aim
    To investigate context dependant effects on both recall ad recognition.
    Effects of noise as context on studying and retrieval
  • Grant sample
    39 participants from age of 17-56, 17 female and 23 male
    8 members of psychology lab class were experimenters
    Opportunity sample each experimenter recruited 5 acquaintances
  • Grant research method
    Laboratory experiment
    IV- verb in each condition
    DV- speed estimates in MPH
  • Grant measures design
    Independent measures design
  • Grant apparatus
    Cassette player and headphones
    Two page three columned article on psycho-immunology
    Recall test, recognition test
  • Grant procedure
    Participant randomly allocated to the 4 conditions silent-silent, noisy-noisy, silent-noisy, noisy-silent
    Instructions describing experiment and stating it was voluntary
    Participants read the article once and were tested on it via short answer test followed by multiple choice
    While they read they had headphones on which was either silent or noisy noise and were informed before which one they would have
    Debriefed at end about the true aims
  • Grant results
    In multiple choice matched conditions got the same mean of answers which was 14.3/16. The mis-matched conditions got the same mean too of 12.7/16
    In short answer questions matched conditions did better with scores of 6.7 and 6.2 compared to 5.4 and 4.6
  • Grant conclusions
    -There are context dependant effects as there was no independent effect of noise on performance
    -Students are more likely to preform better in exams if they study in same conditions so silently
    -Studying and testing in same enviroment leads to enchanced performance.