Endocrine System

Cards (38)

  • Endocrine system
    Maintenance of homeostasis, which involves growth, maturation, reproduction, metabolism, and human behavior
  • Hormones
    Control the internal environment of the body from cellular level to the organ level of organization<|>Control cellular respiration, cellular growth, and cellular reproduction<|>Help regulate metabolism, water and electrolyte concentrations in cells, growth, development, and reproductive cycles
  • Negative feedback loop
    Corrects the stimuli and helps in maintaining homeostasis
  • Endocrine glands
    Ductless glands that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream
  • Hypothalamus
    Sends directions via chemical signals (neurotransmitters) to the pituitary gland<|>Nerve cells in the hypothalamus produce chemical signals called releasing hormones and releasing inhibitory hormones<|>CRH – the hormone that stimulates the other glands to produce/secrete their hormone
  • Pituitary gland
    Location: Below the hypothalamus of the brain
  • Anterior pituitary lobe

    • Produces 7 hormones
  • Growth hormone (GH)

    Stimulates cell metabolism in most tissues of the body<|>Stimulates the growth of bones, muscles, and organs<|>Increase protein synthesis and the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates<|>Releases SOMATOMEDIS or Insulin-Like Growth Factors (IGF)<|>Peak secretion of GH occur during periods of: SLEEPING, EXERCISE, and FASTING<|>Growth is also influenced by nutrition, genetics, and sex hormones during puberty<|>Increase the cellular uptake of amino acids and protein synthesis in many organs<|>Stimulates the breakdown of triglycerides<|>Stimulates the breakdown of glycogen
  • Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)

    Stimulates the thyroid gland to produce its hormones (T3, T4, Calcitonin)
  • Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
    Stimulates adrenal cortex to secrete its hormone; CORTISOL
  • Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH)

    Increase the production of melanin in melanocyte of the skin, causing a deepening pigmentation or darkening of skin
  • Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)

    Stimulates the development of follicle in the ovaries – female<|>Stimulates the production of sperm cells – male
  • Luteinizing hormone (LH)

    Stimulates the ovulation and production of progesterone, helps maintain pregnancy – female<|>Stimulates the synthesis of testosterone and production of sperm cells – male
  • Lactogenic hormone (LTH) | Prolactin (PRL)

    Stimulates lactation or production of milk in the mammary gland after pregnancy
  • Posterior pituitary lobe
    Produces 2 hormones<|>Consists primarily of nerve fibers and neuroglial cells
  • Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) | Vasopressin
    Maintains the body's water balance by ordering the renal tubules to reabsorb water<|>Causes the kidney to retain water<|>Reduces diuresis – less urine / increase urine retention<|>Maintains the blood when bleeding, restoring the blood volume<|>Compensates the loss of fluid
  • Oxytocin
    Stimulates contraction of smooth muscle in the lining of the uterus when giving birth or having sex<|>Stimulates milk ejection or lactation (Lactation: LH & Oxytocin)
  • Thyroid gland
    Consists of two lobes connected by isthmus
  • T3 Triidothyronine

    Contains 3 iodine atom
  • T4 Tetraiodothyronin or Thyroxine
    Contains 4 iodine atom
  • Thyroid hormones
    Regulates the metabolism of the body (oxygen, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins)<|>Necessary for normal growth and development and nervous system maturation<|>Increase the rate of carbohydrate and lipid breakdown into energy molecules
  • Calcitonin
    Thyroid gland releases calcitonin when the calcium in the blood is high, because calcitonin decreases the blood calcium by bone reabsorption<|>Involved in regulating the calcium and phosphate in the blood
  • Parathyroid gland
    Four pea size gland located at the back of the thyroid gland
  • Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
    Inhibits the activity of osteoblast and causing osteoclast to breakdown bone matrix tissue (osteoblast: bone makers, osteoclasts: bone breakers)<|>Releases calcium and phosphate ions into the blood<|>Causes the kidneys to conserve blood calcium and stimulates intestinal cell to absorb calcium from digested food in the intestine
  • Pineal gland
    Produces melatonin and serotonin
  • Melatonin
    Helps us relax and sleep
  • Serotonin
    Happy hormone (found in bananas)<|>Body's natural pain reliever
  • Adrenal gland
    Smalls glands found atop of each kidney
  • Adrenal medulla
    Inner part of the adrenal gland<|>Produces large amounts of adrenaline hormones (epinephrine: vasodilation/increases heart rate, norepinephrine: vasoconstrictor/increases blood pressure)
  • Adrenal cortex
    Has three tissue layers
  • Zona glomerulosa
    Produces a mineralocorticoid; ALDOSTERONE<|>For the reabsorption of sodium<|>Helps maintain blood when bleeding
  • Zona fasciculata
    Produces a glucocorticoid; CORTISOL
  • Cortisol
    Helps control blood sugar levels, regulate metabolism, help reduce inflammation, and assists with memory retention<|>Has a controlling effect on salt and water balance, and helps control blood pressure<|>Makes us eat a lot<|>A type of steroid<|>Being released when you are under stress<|>Increase blood-sugar<|>Inhibits the immune and inflammatory reaction<|>Needed to make capillary membrane stable
  • Zona reticularis
    Innermost of the walls<|>Involved in secretion of different sex hormones (ANDROGENS/TESTOSTERONE)
  • Hormones that increase blood sugar level
    • Cortisol
    • Glucagon
    • Growth hormone
  • Hormones that help in retaining blood when bleeding
    • Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
    • Aldosterone
  • Glycogenolysis
    The liver converts glycogen into glucose
  • Gluconeogenesis
    The liver converts fats and lipids into glucose