
Cards (21)

  • Employee counseling
    An HRD activity
  • Coaching and counseling
    Often intertwined
  • Supervisors
    Generally encouraged to provide early identification and referral to a trained professional or counseling service<|>Should not try to solve or resolve the employee's problem themselves
  • Work performance problems

    Often tied to worker's personal lives
  • Typical counseling program
    1. Problem identification
    2. Education
    3. Referral
    4. Counseling
    5. Treatment
    6. Follow-up
  • In-house counseling service
    Advantages: internal control, familiarity with organization, better coordination, greater awareness and credibility<|>Disadvantages: confidentiality issues, lack of resources, reluctance of some employees to use
  • Contracted-out counseling service
    Advantages: trained professionals, easier confidentiality, lower cost, better community resources<|>Disadvantages: lack of on-site counseling, communication problems, lack of knowledge of organization
  • Effective employee counseling programs
    • Top management commitment and support
    • Clearly written policies and procedures
    • Cooperation with local unions
    • Range of care
    • Clear confidentiality policy
    • Maintenance of records
    • Health insurance coverage
    • Family education
  • Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)

    Job-based programs operating within a work organization to identify troubled employees, motivate them to resolve troubles, and provide access to counseling or treatment
  • EAP approach

    • Employee problem defined in terms of job performance, not clinical diagnosis
    • Typical content: policy, employee education, supervisory training, clinical services, follow-up
  • Stress
    A common aspect of the work experience, expressed as job dissatisfaction, anger, frustration, hostility, irritation
  • Sources of stress
    • Disruption of work role
    • Aggressive behavior at work
    • Flight from the job
    • Disruption of other life roles
    • Self-damaging behaviors
  • Stress Management Interventions (SMIs)

    Any activity, program, or opportunity initiated by an organization to reduce work-related stressors or assist individuals to minimize negative outcomes
  • Employee Wellness Programs (EWPs) or Health Promotion Programs (HPPs)

    Activities and organizational practices that promote employee health and fitness
  • Modest number of scientifically sound studies demonstrating effectiveness of employee counseling programs
  • Defining success and effectiveness for employee counseling programs is a difficult task
  • Reasons an organization has begun an intervention may affect whether research is done and how effectiveness is defined
  • Strategy for evaluating effectiveness
    1. Determine demographics
    2. Determine expected participation rates
    3. Estimate costs
    4. Implement testing and tracking
    5. Measure pre- and post-program changes
    6. Analyze by demographics and participation
    7. Perform cost-benefit analyses
  • Responsibility for employee well-being
    Employees, organization, supervisors, and unions all have a role
  • Ethical issues in employee counseling
    Confidentiality of records<|>Voluntary or mandatory participation
  • Unintended negative outcomes can include increased workers' compensation costs, scheduling problems and accidents from fitness programs, and conflicts from smoking bans