Phobias can be started due to an associationwithfear [ classicalconditioning ]
And maintained through negativereinforcement [ operantconditioning ]
When someone avoids a phobia anxiety is reduced, acting as negativereinforcement, therefore the person is morelikely to avoid the phobia in the future
Phobias can be started through association, for example: a child associates ballons with the sudden loud noise of them popping may develop a phobia of balloons
One strength of the behavioural explaination for phobias is its usesinsuccessfultreatmentsforphobias
One weakness of the behavioural treatment for phobias is that it does not explainallphobias, not all people have hadabadexperince with theirphobia
One weakness of the behavioural explanation for phobias is that ignorescognitivefactors in formingaphobia