Phobia explanation

    Cards (10)

    • A phobia is an extreme ideational fear of something
    • Emotional characteristics of phobia
      Disproportionate reaction to actual danger
    • Behavioural characteristics of phobia
    • Cognitive characteristics of phobia
      Irrational thinking
      Selective attention
      Cognitive distortions
    • Phobias can be started due to an association with fear [ classical conditioning ]
      And maintained through negative reinforcement [ operant conditioning ]
    • When someone avoids a phobia anxiety is reduced, acting as negative reinforcement, therefore the person is more likely to avoid the phobia in the future
    • Phobias can be started through association, for example: a child associates ballons with the sudden loud noise of them popping may develop a phobia of balloons
    • One strength of the behavioural explaination for phobias is its uses in successful treatments for phobias
    • One weakness of the behavioural treatment for phobias is that it does not explain all phobias, not all people have had a bad experince with their phobia
    • One weakness of the behavioural explanation for phobias is that ignores cognitive factors in forming a phobia
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