Memory is the cognitive process of encoding, storing, and retrieving information.
Culture influences cognitive processing as evidenced by a study.
The three areas of memory storage according to Atkinson and Shiffrin (1981) are: Sensory memory/buffer, Short-term memory (STM), and Long-Term Memory (LTM).
Sensory memory/buffer is a brief temporary store that holds information from the environment in forms of visual, auditory, tactile, taste or olfactory (smell).
Information in sensory memory/buffer needs to receive attention if it will begin the process of being transferred to short/long term memory.
Short-term memory (STM) has a limited capacity and duration.
Information enters STM from the sensory memory/buffer if attention is paid to the stimuli.
If the information in STM is rehearsed, then it moves to long-term memory.
System 2: Slower, conscious and rational Requires more effort
System 1: Automatic, intuitive, effortless, efficient. Employs heuristics (A ‘rule’ used to make decisions or form judgments mental shortcuts that involve focusing on one aspect of a complex problem)
Chou and Edge, 2012
“They are happier and having better lives than I am”: The impact of using Facebook on perceptions of others’ lives
Cognitive Appraisal: The evaluation and interpretation of a phenomenon or event determines our emotional reaction to it.
“Neural bases of selective attention in action video game players”
Bavelier et al., 2012
Framing Effect: Aim: Loss vs gains People react to a choice based on how it is presented.
If information is not rehearsed or if more information disrupts rehearsal then the information in the store may be displaced and lost.
Long-Term Memory (LTM) is a type of memory bank where information that has been memorized and rehearsed becomes stored for an unlimited amount of storage and duration.
Information in LTM can be retrieved when needed.
The model of Atkinson and Shiffrin (1981) is simplistic and assumes that each of the stores works as an independent unit.
Glanzer & Cunitz (1966) support the separate memory stores theory.
The procedure of Glanzer & Cunitz (1966) involved a 20-word list with one syllable noun and then a free recall task.
The findings of Glanzer & Cunitz (1966) showed that participants were better at remembering words at the start of the list (primacy effect) and end of list (recency effect).
The limitations of the model of Atkinson and Shiffrin (1981) include that it assumes that each of the stores works as an independent unit and focuses on the structure of memory and ignores the role of the depth of information processing.
Baddley and Hitch propose the Visualspatial Sketchpad, Phonological Loop, and Manager models.
Chou is a Korean man leaning against the Edge of the window, depressed because all of his friends have happier lives than him on facebook.
The Psych Class has 26 males inside with a test being shown on the board of many squares and diamonds, trying to figure them out.
Darcy and Gross portray rich and poor girls respectively.
A man is scrubbing himself in a bathtub in the Psych Class.
The brown light is shining brightly and the white light is shining dimmer.
The wall has been burned and there is 1 employee cleaning it up who works a 9-5 job.
Grant and Spencer are sitting in front of the cafeteria discussing Ford stock, with Grant arguing that it’s at 50 and Spencer arguing that it’s at 52.
Sarah Peng saves Jet from falling, telling him that he had a 78% chance of being saved.
The Hitch Hiker is a biker holding a KFC bucket with shallots and a beef wellington inside.
The brown and white light mixed are shining the brightest.
The second building has a 40 percent and then an arrow boosting to 83%.
The physics class is doing the vector assignment and debating whether or not to carefully plan the steps or make a quick decision.
Mr Yeaman is yapping about Trotsky and how he was a conman because he stole a picture frame.
On the tuck shop is a Pride and Prejudice book with a red 70 written on the cover.
There are 40 white participants and 40 black participants given a questionnaire.