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Cards (64)
It's a piece of cake
= It's easy
It's best of both worlds
= You can enjoy two different opportunities at the same time
See eye to eye
= Agreeing with someone
Once in a blue moon
= An event that happens infrequently
When pigs fly
= Something that will never happen
To cost an arm and a leg
= Something that is very expensive
To feel under the weather
= To not feel well
To cut corners =
To do something badly or cheaply
You can't judge a book by its cover
= To not judge someone
Break a leg =
Good luck
To hit the nail on the head
= To describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem
A blessing in disguise
= A misfortune that eventually results in something good happening later on
Call it a day
= Stop working on something
No pain no gain =
You have to work hard for something you want
The last straw
= The final source of irritation for someone to finally lose patience
Giving someone the cold shoulder
= To ignore someone
Tickled pink
= Made very happy
Hands down
= No competition
Hold your tongue
= stop taking or don't talk
Down in the dumps
= sad or depressed
Sick as a dog
= very sick
Rise and shine
= To wake up and be happy
Till the cows come home
= for a very long time
Slap on the wrist
= A mild punishment
Pulling your leg
= Joking
Greek to me
= I don't understand
Keep your chin up
= Be happy
Hod your horses
= be patient
In the same boat
= all of us are in the position/situation
Bite the bullet
= to finally face your obstacle or do something you've been avoiding
Hit the hay
= to go to sleep
Kick the bucket
= to die
Spill the beans
= Tell a secret
Loose cannon
= unpredictable
Out of work
= unemployed
Move up in the world
= Become more successful
= In need of money
Dime a dozen
= very cheap, easily obtained
Thanks God it's Friday
= Let's be happy that the workweek is over
On point
= good, well done, effective
See all 64 cards