Cards (19)

  • Reaction paper
    academic text that "requires one to formulate analysis and reaction to a given body of material"- to encourage students to think critically about texts, and how those texts are in comparison with each other, or with a wider field of discourse.
  • summary, analysis, synthesis
    3 important factors in a reaction paper.
  • analysis
    heart of a reaction paper. look into different details and aspects giving reactions to this.
  • position paper
    text that argues in favor of a stand on a particular or specific solution to a problem
  • there is a clear claimclaim is well-supportedexplains how claim relates to other positions
    features of a position paper
  • college of saint rose writing center
    what does your audience value and believe?what side of the argument do u favor?how will their interests be affected by the issue?what kind of evidence will be most effective to show?
  • introduction
    the opening, issue or context identified; and the author's position is clearly stated.
  • body
    consists of paragraphs that supports the claim stated in the introduction. Arguments evidences examples are presented. Counterarguments are also cited to weaken the opposite side.
  • conclusion
    recaps the claim, in an effort to leave a lasting impression.
  • concept paper
    proposes a research topic.
  • content, slide design, equipment, delivery
    4 parts of an academic presentation
  • preparing content
    distinct nature of an academic presentationlook at your written paper and start to think of ways to translate its contents into slides to be presented- bullet points or ordered lists-paraphrase & summarize
  • designing slide
    not just abt eye candy- reinforcing the message you intend to deliver
  • contrast
    assign bigger font size to heading of slide and use small font size for regular text- use dark colored text on light-colored bg
  • alignment
    limit of 6 lines only with 6 words each. the less the better
  • repetition
    consistency in visual elements. use one template or theme.
  • proximity
    cluster ideasuse intro body conclusion
  • setting up equipment
    use personal comp and laptopbring backups of the presentation
  • delivering the report
    oralcomm skills need to be on point for presentation to be successful - okay to be a bit loud than too quiet- play around with speed- use effective nonverbal cues- establish rapport.