A combination of planned learning experiences using evidence-based practice and shared theories that provide the opportunity to acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes
A process with intellectual, psychological, and social dimensions related to activities that increase the abilities of people to make informed decisions
The nurse as a health educator provides basic information for 3 purposes: Promotion and maintenance, Prevention of illness, Development of self-reliant behavior
Any set of planned educational activities using a combination of methods such as teaching, counseling, and behavior modification that is designed to improve patient’s knowledge/ health behaviors
1800’s (Florence’s time): Patient education began, Making use of healers, Organized patient care program is present
First 4 decades of the 20th Century: Teaching was focused on public health information, Provided by public health nurses, Taught mothers how to care for newborns, Sanitation, Immunization, Prevention and treatment of infectious diseases
After World War II: Wider scope of population from individual teaching
Substantive-Curricular Dimension: What is the context? What is the curriculum
Procedural-Methodological Dimension: Looking into approaches/ strategies/ methods of teaching, How do we motivate our learners? What is your methodology that can help the learner? Finding ways that will gear to a lifelong learning process
Environmental-Social Dimension: The physical and social climate of the teaching atmosphere
Human Relatives: What is your relationship with your clientele
Professional Competence, Interpersonal relationship with students, Personal characteristics, Teaching practices, Evaluation Practices, Availability to students
Personal Qualities: Sorry wa koy nasuwat here HAHAHAHA
Professional Qualities: Organized, Clear and Concise, Clear Evaluation, Clinical Competence, Teaching Competence, Proficiency In knowledge/ Mastery of subject