Accelerated rejection: occurs within 1 to 5 days after second exposure to tissue antigens
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS): caused by HIV affecting the immune system
Active immunity: results from natural exposure to an infectious agent or vaccine
Acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD): occurs shortly after immunocompetent cells are transplanted, characterized by skin rashes, diarrhea, and increased susceptibility to infection
Acuterejection (AR): occurs days to weeks after transplantation due to cellular mechanisms and antibody formation
A small peptide formed during complement activation that causes increased vascular permeability, contraction of smooth muscle, and release of histamine from basophils and mast cells
The process of destroying antibody-coated target cells by natural killer cells, monocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils, all of which have specific receptors for an antibody
The final phase of B-cell development, which occurs when a B cell is stimulated by an antigen and undergoes transformation to a blast stage, resulting in the formation of memory cells and antibody-secreting plasma cells
A type III hypersensitivity skin reaction that occurs when an animal has a large amount of circulating antibody and is exposed to the antigen intradermally, resulting in localized deposition of immune complexes