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    • Depression is a mood disorder characterised by extreme sadness.

      To be diagnosed with major depression, according to the DSM, an individual must experience at least 5 symptoms from a list, including one of depressed mood and/or loss of interest or pleasure in most activities, nearly every day for at least two weeks
    • Emotional Characteristics of Depression:
      • Depressed Mood: Ever-present and overwhelming feelings of sadness/hopelessness
      • Loss of Interest and Pleasure: Lack of enthusiasm and concern or pleasure in daily activities
      • Worthlessness: Constant feelings of low self-worth and inappropriate guilt
    • Cognitive Characteristics of Depression:
      • Reduced Concentration: Difficulty in paying and maintaining concentration, slowed thinking, and difficulty making decisions
      • Negative Beliefs about Self: Persistent negative beliefs about oneself and abilities
      • Suicidal Thoughts: Constant thoughts of death and/or suicide
    • Behavioural Characteristics of Depression:
      • Change in Activity: Reduced energy levels leading to fatigue, lethargy, and inactivity. In some cases, psychomotor agitation may occur.
      • Change in Eating and Sleeping Patterns: Changes in appetite, weight gain or loss, insomnia, or excessive sleeping. Eating and sleeping behaviours are disrupted by depression.
      • Social Impairment: Reduced levels of social interaction with friends and relations