“during the wholeof this wretched mockeryof justiceI suffered living torture.”
and I thecause!
“A thousand times ratherwould I have confessed myself guiltyof the crime ascribed to Justine; but I was absent when it was committed, and such a declarationwould have been consideredthe ravings of a madman”
“for all the kindness which her beautymight otherwise have excited, was obliterated in the mindsof the spectatorsby the imagination of theenormity she was supposedto have committed.”
but I have no powerof explaining it
when I see a fellow creatureabout to perish through the cowardiceof her pretended friends, I wish to be allowed to speak
“a murmur of approbationfollowed Elizabeth’s simple and powerful appeal; but it was excitedby her generous interference, and not in favour of poor Justine, on whom the public indignationwas turned with renewed violence,charging her withthe blackest ingratitude.”
I perceived that the popular voice, and the countenances of the judges, had already condemnedmy unhappy victim
my lips and throatwere parched
How shall I ever againbelieve in human goodness?
I did confess; but I confessed a lie.I confessed, that I might obtain absolution; but now that falsehood liesheavier at my heartthan all my other sins.The God of heaven forgive me!
my confessor has besieged me; he threatened and menaceduntil I almost began to thinkthat I was the monsterthat he said I was.
I am resignedto the fate awaiting me.
“During this conversationI had retired to a cornerof the prison-room, [...] Despair! Who dared talk of that?The poor victim, who on the morrow was to passthe awful boundary between life and death, felt not as I did, such deep and bitter agony.”
gnashed my teethand ground them together, uttering a groan
“How sweet is the affection of othersto such a wretch as I am! It removes more thanhalf my misfortune”
But I, the true murderer, felt the never-dyingworm alive in my bosom, which allowedof no hope or consolation.
“my prophetic soul [...] William and Justine, the first hapless victims to my unhallowed arts.”