“I had begun lifewith benevolent intentions, and thirsted for a momentwhen I should put themin practice, and make myself usefulto my fellow beings.”
hurried me away to a hellof intense tortures, such as no language can describe
“I shunned theface of man [...] solitude was myonly consolation – deep, dark, deathlike solitude.”
“but is it not a dutyto the survivors, that we should refrain fromaugmenting their unhappinessby an appearanceof immoderate grief?”
“excessive sorrowprevents improvement or enjoyment”
“Now I could only answer my fatherwith a look of despair, and endeavour tohide myself from his view.”
“The shutting of the gatesregularly at ten o’clock,and the impossibility of remainingon the lake after that hour, had rendered our residencewithin the walls of Genevavery irksome to me.I was now free.”
“I left the boatto pursue its own course”
Often, I say,was tempted to plungeinto that silent lake, that the water mightclose over meand my calamities forever
“I had been the authorof unalterable evils”
“When I reflected on his crimes and malice, my hatred and revengeburst all bounds of moderation.”
When I thought of him , I gnashed my teeth andmy eyes became inflamed
she no longertook delight in herordinary occupations
“innocence so blasted anddestroyed.”
that I read in booksor heard from others, as tales of ancient days, or imaginary evils; at least they were remote, and more familiar to reasonthan imagination; but now misery has come home
men appear to meas monstersthirsting for eachother’s blood.
“In, not in deed but in effect, was the true murderer.”
“Remember the friends around you, who centre alltheir hopes in you.Have we lost the powerof rendering you happy?”
“Thus not thetenderness of friendship, nor the beauty of earth, nor of heaven, could redeem my soulfrom woe: accents of lovewere ineffectual.
The wounded deer draggingits fainting limbsto some untrodden brake, there togaze upon the arrowwhich had pierced it, and to die – was but a type of me.
“My wanderings were directedtowards the valley of Chamounix.”
rendered sublimeby the mighty Alps
“The very winds whisperedin soothing accents,and maternal naturebade me weep no more.”
“when I placed my head upon my pillow, sleep crept over me; I felt as it came,and blest the giver of oblivion.”-