A group of cultural subjects presenting the total experiences of man as expressed in his arts such as painting, sculpture, literature, dance, music, cinema, etc. using a particular material called medium
Examples of humanities
Creating meaningful images on flat surfaces using colored pigments (solid material) mixed with vehicle (liquid material) using single or mixed materials
Designing and constructing buildings for a particular function
Forming objects out of tangible materials such as stone, metal, wood, etc.
Recording experiences in life using words in any language
Using sound of varying pitch to compose songs
Communicating ideas using parts or the whole body
Producing moving three-dimensional images on the screen involving complex technical process and acting crew completely interchangeable, not technical controlled by a director
The humanities or the arts are records of man's experiences, his values, his sentiments, his ideals, and his goals
The humanities or the arts are the channeling of man's feelings and thoughts using a concrete medium such as stone, words, parts of the body, sound, etc.
Exposure to the arts provides enjoyment when a person understands and appreciates what is being communicated specially if that person is much familiar with the idea showcased by the artist
If a man is to live like a human being, his heart and mind must be nourished, and the best spiritual nourishment comes from the humanities
The humanities course is where the creative expressions of the heart and mind of man are analyzed and given value in order for him to understand what it means to be human
Exposure to the humanities makes the person eventually appreciate humanity and the arts as record or man's experiences and how he reacts to these experiences
Man has always been questioning the meaning of his existence
Focused on the outside or external world of man which can be experimented, measured, and manipulated
Deal with man's inner or internal world that cannot exactly be observed, dissected, and experimented
The approach in studying the humanities is subjective since it is more concerned with perceptions, feelings, and intuitions while that of the sciences is concrete and objective
Science educates our minds and hearts while the humanities educate our feelings and sensitivities so that we may use our minds without forgetting that we are human beings
Both the sciences and the humanities are much essential for the development of the complete man as he takes his position in this puzzling and changing world
Deals with areas of creativity that seek to communicate beauty specially derived through the senses
The visible component of art
The invisible component of art
A work of art is a record of a particular artist's view of the time and place where it was produced
A work of art is a concrete embodiment of an idea or feeling resulting from an unusual experience using a sensuous medium such as sound, stone, words, etc.
A work of art is a channel of a personal interpretation of life and mysterious world
Definitions of art
Art is that which brings life in harmony with the beauty of the world - Plato
Art is an attitude of spirit, a state of mind - one which demands for its own satisfaction and fulfilling, a shaping of matter to new and more significant form - John Dewey
Art is a product of man's need to express himself - F. Zulueta
Major arts
Minor arts
Industrial arts
Decorative arts
Graphic arts
Popular arts
Arts are valuable in people's lives because of their practical purposes and as a source of aesthetic experience which may transform their lives and make them highly cultured and noble human beings
Art is made by man
Art is not nature
Art creation and appreciation involve experience
Art creation process
1. Something abstract or invisible such as thoughts and feelings resulting from an extraordinary or unusual experience
2. The artist uses medium to make the invisible concrete or visible as he applies a personal technique of manipulating the medium
3. Form results from the creative process
Global artists are more conscious of their social and moral obligations. Their arts are more functional to serve the ever-changing needs of the society
A multi-cultural society understands that the compatibility of artistic, cultural, social and even economic goals will allow people to survive and grow creatively
A gifted individual who exhibits an exceptional skill in any of the arts. His task is to preserve thoughts and feelings through his art and open people's eyes and ears to new visions of life so that they could see and hear nature clearly and distinctly
Types of artists
Creators (painters, sculptors, architects)
Performers (dancers, actors, singers)
Developing appreciation of an artwork
1. Discovering the space or time used by the artist
2. Considering the medium or materials used
3. Deciding what the subject is and how it is presented
4. Identifying the elements and how they are organized
5. Evaluating the artist's sincerity, universality, and craftsmanship