Cards (5)

  • PSN
    SN- standards of acceptable behaviour set by a social group
    PSN - what we think social norms are for a social group
  • PSN - two types of social norms
    descriptive - person's perception of how much others engage in addictive behaviour / do in relation to
    injunctive - what a person percieves as others approval of certain behaviours
    overestimation of these mean an individual is more likely to engage and develop an addiction
  • PSN - Social Learning Theory
    behaviourist believe addictive behaviour is learnt from out environment
    Bandura argues that the Social Learning Theory explains how behaviour may be learnt from people around us through observation and imitation
  • PSN - Social Learning Theory
    observe a role model engaging in the behaviour, often someone they identify with
    motivation to imitate - vicarious reinforcement - role models reinforce/rewarded for behaviour and individual anticipates similar outcomes for themselves
  • PSN - Social Learning Theory
    imitation - more likely when the role model is someone the individual aspires to be
    similar age, gender / status acts as vicarious reinforcement and increases the motivation to imitate the behaviour for a similar result
    operantly conditioned by peers - praise, popularity / approval