EAS 212

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  • Einstein: Energy cannot be created or destroyed (it is conserved)
  • Earth's Energy Balance
    1. Energy input = solar radiation absorbed
    2. Energy output = solar and longwave radiation lost to space
    3. If the stored energy is not changing then Energy input = Energy output
  • Incoming energy = incoming solar radiation (over the area of a circle)
    Outgoing energy = reflected solar radiation and outgoing longwave radiation
    Any object that contains heat (i.e. is above absolute zero -273.15 degrees C) emits longwave radiation (infrared heat energy) at a rate proportional to its temperature: L = σT4 over it's entire area (area of a sphere for Earth)
  • Steady state global energy balance (assumes energy stored is not changing):
    RE: Earth's radius (6370 km)
    α: Earth's albedo (0.3)
    S0 = solar constant (~1367 W m-2 )
    L = outgoing longwave radiation;
    L = σT4
    σ= Stefan Boltzman constant (5.67 × 10–8 W m–2 K–4)
    T = average temperature of the Earth (in Kelvin [K])
  • We can find the temperature required for the Earth's outgoing radiation to balance the incoming solar radiation = 255K, or –18°C
    But in fact the Earth's average temperature if +15°C
    Why is the Earth 33°C warmer than it should be?
  • Greenhouse Effect
    The atmosphere easily transmits solar radiation but almost completely absorbs Earth's longwave radiation
    Earth's surface emits longwave radiation that is absorbed by certain atmospheric gases and clouds
    The atmosphere emits longwave radiation in all directions—including downwards to Earth's surface (warms the Earth)
  • Primary gases that absorb Earth's outgoing longwave radiation
    • H2O: Water vapour
    • CO2: carbon dioxide
    • CH4: methane
    • N2O: nitrous oxide
    • O3: ozone
  • Result is more longwave radiation is absorbed by the atmosphere, and insufficient heat energy is emitted to space, so the Earth's temperature increases
  • Climate
    Average atmospheric conditions that prevail in a region over extended time span (usually minimum 30yr average)
  • Components of the Earth's climate system
    • Atmosphere
    • Hydrosphere
    • Cryosphere
    • Biosphere
    • Lithosphere
  • Climate system
    • When one component of the system changes, the other ones react
    Change in these components are analyzed in terms of cause (forcing) and effect (response)
  • Climate forcings
    • Changes in incoming solar radiation (S0)
    Changes in Earth's albedo
    Tectonic processes
    Changes in atmospheric composition
    Anthropogenic climate forcing
  • Climate has always varied
    To study climate of the past we use climate archives
  • Feedbacks
    Processes that alter climate changes that are already underway
  • Time scales of climate change
    Faster changes in climate at shorter timescales are embedded in and superimposed on the slower changes at the longer time scales
    As you go back in time, the resolution and certainty of climate records decrease
  • What is global warming: Increase in AVERAGE global temperature
    It does not mean it is getting warmer in every single point of the Earth
    It does not mean that each year is successively warmer than the previous one (interannual variability)
  • Greenhouse gases and temp.
    Concentrations of the atmospheric greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O) in 2011 exceed the range of concentrations recorded in ice cores during the past 800 kyr
  • “It’s the Sun”
    Current research shows an imbalance at the top of the atmosphere
    0.9 W m–2 of additional energy is being absorbed
    This is an additional 1022 J of energy per year
    Less longwave radiation is being emitted than is required to balance incoming solar radiation
    The overall consequence is the that the average temperature of the Earth is increases
  • Natural vs Anthropogenic forcing
    Global climate models – based on our best understanding of the physics/biology/chemistry of the Earth system simply cannot simulate the recent observed increase in global temperatures by natural forcings alone
    Anthropogenic (human) emissions and land use changes are required
  • Impacts of climate change on the oceans
    • Increase in ocean temperature
    Increase in ocean stratification
    Changes in ocean circulation
    Sea level rise
    Ocean acidification
    Harmful algal blooms
    Fisheries declines
    Change in precipitation/evaporation patterns
    Changes in diversity/abundance of species
    More frequent extreme El Nino events
    Expansion of oxygen depleted zones
  • Sun cycles (internal variations in
    the strength of the Sun)
  • Earth-orbital changes
    o Alter the amount of solar radiation
    received on Earth by season and by
    o Occur over tens to hundreds of
    thousands of years
    o Contribute to alternating glacial and
    interglacial periods
  • Changes in Earth’s albedo
    • Distribution of land masses
    • Snow, ice, cloud cover
    Ecosystem distribution (e.g. deserts vs forests)
  • Tectonic processes
    o Moving landmasses → alter ocean circulation
    and distribution of heat
    o Volcanism (aerosols)
    o Tectonic control of carbon cycle (CO2)
  • Changes in atmospheric composition
    o Addition or removal of greenhouse gases
    o E.g. Early evolution of plant life, volcanic
  • Anthropogenic climate forcing
    o Changes in atmospheric composition (CO2,
    CH4, N2O, O3) from emissions
    o Land use changes (albedo)
  • Long-term Natural Climate Variations
    • Climate has always varied
    • To study climate of the past we use climate archives
    • Dating: radioactive isotopes, fossils, annual layers
  • Climate system responses
    Different components of the climate system have different response
    time (time it takes to fully react to the imposed change)
    o Hours-days up to thousands of years
    Atmosphere has a very fast response time
    • Land surface reacts more slowly, but still shows heating and cooling
    changes on time scales of hours to weeks
    Liquid water has a slower response because it can hold much more
    o Upper ocean: weeks to months
    o Deeper ocean: decades to centuries
  • Feedbacks
    Processes that alter climate changes that are already underway
  • Long-term carbon exchanges
    -Volcanic input of carbon from rocks to atmosphere
    -Removal of CO2 from the atmosphere by chemical weathering-> influenced by:
    • temperature: ^T, ^W
    • precipitation: ^P, ^W
    • vegetation: ^V, ^W
    -removal of carbon via chemical weathering must balance changing volcanic inputs over long timescales ~1000 year time scale
  • Chemical Weathering as a thermostat
    • During warm periods, weathering removes CO2 from the atmosphere faster than volcanos can build it up. Causes the total volume of co2 to go down, cooling the planet
    • During the cold periods, volcanos add CO2 faster than can be removed, harming the planet
  • Climate ChangeClimate Variability
    • Climate variability: the way climate fluctuates yearly above or below a long term average value
    • Climate change: Long term continuous change (increase or decrease) from average weather conditions or the range of weather. Slow and Gradual, unlike year to year variability. It is difficult to perceive without scientific records
  • Recent Climate Change
    • 1930s – Hot, dry interval produced the
    Dust Bowl
    • A century earlier – air temperatures
    were cooler than now
  • Climate Change: LGM
    21,000 years agoclimate was so cold
    that huge ice sheets covered Canada
    and northern Europe (sea level ~120
    lower than present)
  • Climate Change: Further Back
    100 million years ago – warmer
    conditions had eliminated ice from the
    face of the Earth
  • IPCC Projections
    • RCP2.6*: mitigation scenario (stabilizes and then slowly
    reduces radiative forcing after mid-21st century)
    • RCP8.5: continue emissions
    Mitigation actions starting now do not produce
    discernibly different climate change outcomes for the
    next 30 years or so, whereas long-term climate change
    after mid-century is appreciably different across the
    *RCP = representative concentration pathway (for greenhouse gases)
  • Radiative Forcing
    Total Anthropogenic radiative forcing has been increasing
  • CO2 lags temp.
    • feedbacks are very important
    • CO2 acts sometimes as a forcing, sometimes as a positive feedback on climate change