The rate of data transfer for a fixed period of time
The wider of a communication band the more the data can flow through it simultaneously
Expressing Bandwidth
Bandwidth was measured in bits per second (bps)
It is now measured in units that are denoted with metric prefixes such as Mbps (megabits per second)
Bandwidth determines the overall speed of a connection
The lowest bandwidth in the communication chain between two computers determines the maximum speed of a connection
Bandwidth units
Megabits (Mbits)
Megabytes (MB)
Gigabytes (GB)
Terabytes (TB)
Kilobits (Kbits)
Kilobytes (KB)
Gigabits (Gbits)
The amount of time it takes for data to travel from one point to another
Latency is usually measured as a round trip (the time taken for information to get to its destination and back again)
It is important because a computer sends a limited amount of data to its destination and then waits for acknowledgement to come back before sending any more
The round trip delay has a key impact on the performance of a network
Drives throughput (the maximum amount of data that can be transmitted)
Limits the number of simultaneous conversations that can be supported on a network
Determines the responsiveness of the network (how fast the conversation can be had)