Gonads that produce sex cells, two testes, develop inside body then descend into scrotum, kept at slightly lower than body temperature for sperm production, produce sperm by meiosis, also produce testosterone
Seminal vesicles, prostate gland and Cowper's gland produce seminal fluid that nourishes and provides medium for sperm, semen is seminal fluid + sperm, ejaculation is release of semen from penis
Urethra carries sperm (and urine) through penis, made of erectile tissue that becomes erect when aroused, inserted into female body during intercourse to deposit sperm around cervix
Growth of pubic, underarm, facial and body hair, enlargement of larynx causing voice to break and deepen, increased muscular and bone development, growth spurt at puberty, increased secretion of sebum
Pair of organs in abdominal cavity above uterus, one ovary releases an egg every 28 days, produce eggs by meiosis, produce hormones oestrogen and progesterone
Muscular structure approximately fist-sized, inner lining is endometrium which thickens each month, site of implantation and holds developing embryo, endometrium forms part of placenta, cervix is neck of womb
Muscular tube approximately 10cm long, penis inserted during intercourse, birth canal for baby, lined with cells producing acidic mucous to prevent pathogens
Produce oestrogen and progesterone, produce egg cells, female foetus has all potential eggs at birth, after puberty eggs produced by meiosis monthly with only one usually continuing to grow
28 day sequence of events producing an egg and preparing the uterus, begins at puberty and ends at menopause, if egg not fertilised the endometrium is shed (menstruation)