Types of conformity

Cards (8)

  • Social norms- rules of beliefs, attitudes and behaviours that are considered acceptable in a social group or culture.
  • Informational social influence- the tendency to conform to the opinion of others because we believe their opinion is correct.
  • Compliance- similar to obedience but there's no order, it's a request.
  • Internalisation- where individuals combine external rules and standards into their own identity or sense or self.
  • Social influence- the tendency to conform to the opinion of others.
  • Normative social influence- conform to the behaviours or beliefs of a social group in order to gain acceptance or approval.
  • 3 types of conformity- internalisation, identification, compliance.
  • Identification- a moderate type of conformity where we act in the same way with the group because we value it and want to be part of it.